Just One Beer

Cheney, has put this incident behind him. It's now "old" news. Fux gnus said so. Mr. Whittington is out of the hospital. One has to wonder what Dick would have said had Harry died. And what if the shoe had been on the other foot and it had been Harry who shot Dick? Think Harry would be running around making speeches? Not likely. The sheriff wasn't allowed to interview the Vice President until the next day so we'll never know how drunk he was that day and evening. It's been covered up, like everything this corrupt bunch does. Mr. Whittington has yet to file an affidavit. He probably needs to liaise further with Katharine Armstrong and get his story straight. So far, she's divulged there was beer before and cocktails after the shooting. Cheney has admitted to "one beer" and Harry said there was NO drinking. They'll need to fix up his story for his affidavit. None of the official statements taken by the sheriff have been made public...until they all match perfectly. How can the sheriff's department have closed the case before all the statements are in? Dick must have decided already it's over. Case closed.

Sheriff’s department says no charges will be filed against Cheney
Friday, February 17th, 2006
By: The Associated Press
SARITA, Texas — The sheriff’s department closed its investigation Thursday into Dick Cheney’s accidental shooting of a hunting partner and said no charges will be filed.
The Kenedy County Sheriff’s Department issued a report that largely supports the vice-president’s account of the weekend accident that wounded lawyer Harry Whittington, 78.
Whittington, interviewed in the hospital, assured investigators no one was drinking when the accident occurred and everyone was wearing bright orange safety gear, according to the report.
Sheriff’s dispatcher Diana Mata, speaking for the department, said the case is closed and no charges will be filed. She said Sheriff Ramon Salinas would have no comment on the report.
Whittington was peppered with bird shot in the face and chest Saturday while hunting quail with Cheney on a ranch in South Texas. He is in a Corpus Christi hospital in stable condition after suffering a mild heart attack caused by a pellet that travelled to his heart.
Gilberto San Miguel Jr., an investigator with the Sheriff’s Department, interviewed Cheney at the ranch a day after the shooting. San Miguel reported that Cheney shook his hand and ‘‘told me he was there to co-operate in any way with the interview.’’
The vice-president said the sun was setting when Whittington fired at some quail and went to find his downed birds, according to the report.
Cheney said he walked about 100 yards (metres) and met up with the hunting guide. He said a bird flew behind him, and he followed it in a counterclockwise direction, not realizing Whittington had walked up behind him to rejoin the group. He said Whittington was about 30 yards away, on lower ground, when he fired his shotgun.
‘‘Mr. Cheney told me if Mr. Whittington was on the same ground level, the injuries might have been lower on Mr. Whittington’s body,’’ the investigator reported.
The investigator, accompanied by another officer, briefly interviewed Whittington at his hospital room on Monday.
‘‘I asked Mr. Whittington if we could record our conversation and Mr. Whittington requested not to be recorded due to his voice being raspy,’’ San Miguel wrote.
The investigator asked for an affidavit, and Whittington said he would provide one when he returned home to his office in Austin. Doctors have said Whittington will probably remain hospitalized until next week.
Another sickening coverup by the thugs. Above the law. Only the little people have to obey laws.
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