Neocons Nuking Nevada

I dunno, if I lived in Las Vegas, I might be making plans to leave those bright lights behind.

Pentagon Plans Explosion at Nevada Site
The Pentagon plans to detonate 700 tons of conventional high explosives in Nevada in a June 2 test designed to gauge the effectiveness of weapons against deeply buried targets, officials said on March 30. "All explosives, given the right thermal characteristics, will create a cloud that may resemble a mushroom cloud," the Defense Threat Reduction Agency said in a statement. "The dust cloud from Divine Strake may reach an altitude of 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) and is not expected to be visible off the Nevada Test Site." Tegnelia said because of the power of the explosion, officials will notify Russia and make sure authorities in Las Vegas understand the test.
Understand? Understand WHAT? That they might glow in the dark or DIE of some horrible illness that the government will deny happened? Bush is testing out nyukyular weapons to practice for Iran bunker busting and earth shattering and KILLING.
More on the insanity. YIKES! In hour two of the Randi Rhodes show, she and Dr. Justin Frank, author of Bush On The Couch discussed the brain of George Bush. Scary stuff. Nothing new to those of us paying attention and reading, just more validation. What a sick family. But we knew that too. Short audio clip Listen here, just enough to whet one's appetite. The tip of the psychological iceberg. The archives aren't up yet. It's worth listening to those segments. Apparently George has no compassion for the suffering of others due to his absent father and cold bitch of a mother. (Okay, I added bitch, well, she IS.) The day after Dubya's younger sister died, Poppy and Bar went off to play golf and never even had a funeral. It explains why death is such a foreign concept to the little lad. He can't attend troop funerals. He feels nothing. Perhaps he thought he'd disappear

Curiosity alone...
What do you fellas do
when you're not Hatin'?
How long did it take? Was
it just Leslie Cagan's magic
wand that did this to you?
If Hatred could somehow be
converted into Kilowatts,
you could all be
Power-Houses! Whewee!!!
Are you all Infallible Imams
or Ayatollahs? Sinless, too?
So, you think it's a good idea to start testing nuclear bombs? You must not live in Nevada. Think it's a good idea to nuke Iran? I'll just bet you think Saddam had something to do with 9/11. Are you happy in your ignorance of the FACTS? Are you happily cavorting around thinking all is well with the world and that Bush is wonderful? If so, you're in the minority and have your head stuffed up your own ass. Sad. Listen to Limbaugh for your "facts" and watch a lot of Fux Gnus? Too bad. You won't know what hit you when the neocons are finished destroying the middle class in this country. The Great Depression was NOTHING compared to what these thugs have in store for us all. Wake the hell up!
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