Chimpy and Poodle Stay the Course

Bush and Blair acknowledge "setbacks" in Iraq. Misery, destruction, death and failure are now called "setbacks" by the liars. CrooksAndLiars
Video clip, Bush "regrets" saying "Bring it on" and "Wanted dead or alive" and "tough talk" that's been misinterpreted. As he fumbled his way throught the regrets part of his programmed appearance, it was apparent he did a disservice to whichever speechwriter came up with this half sorry, half it was misunderstood bullshit. The lying bastard's body language always gives him away. He certainly doesn't believe he ever made a mistake.

But the idiot didn't say "Bring IT on", he said, "Bring 'em on!" He couldn't even get that bit right. The sonofabitch had the gall to say "We've been paying for that" regarding Abu Ghraib, which he mispronounced, of course. What the hell suffering have any of US shared? How did anyone but the victims pay? This country goes about its business of mass consumption with yellow ribbons on the backs of SUVs and no sacrifice whatsoever in support of the troops who are dying to impose our corporate will upon the Middle East.
Bush and Blair spoke glowingly of the new Iraqi government elected "by the people" that will agressively fight the terrorists. That was a big deal to Lieboy, the aggressive part. Blair did more than his fair share of lying and used more "filler" than we've heard before.

In an example of biased news coverage, this article pretends the two thugs were somber and reflective. What I saw was something else. I saw two men in love with each other and with power. They joked, they kidded, they didn't answer real questions. They lied they justified, nothing's changed. They are staying in Iraq whether we like it or not. It's time to go back to the days when tribal "chiefs" engaged in hand-to-hand combat with each other over disputes, and left the rest of us out of their hell.
Some of the horse manure:
BUSH: I'm sure I will see families of the fallen. And I fully understand the pressure that's being placed upon our military and their families.
But I also understand that it is vital that we do the job, that we complete the mission.
And it has been tough. It's been really tough, because we're fighting an unconventional enemy that is willing to kill innocent people. There are no rules of war for these people.
But make no mistake about it: What you're seeing in Iraq could happen all over the world if we don't stand fast and achieve the objective. No, I had the follow-up answer; you can't have the follow- up question. Nice try, though.
Q: Prime Minister, this is possibly your last official visit to Washington as prime minister.
BUSH: Wait a minute. Back-to-back disses.
Q: At least the beginning of the end of your particular special relationship. Will you miss the president? What will you miss about him? And for the president, what will you miss about Tony Blair and what are you looking for in an eventual replacement?
BUSH: I'll miss those red ties is what I'll miss. I'll say one thing. He can answer the question. Don't count him out; let me tell it to you that way. I know a man of resolve and vision and courage, and I -- my attitude is I want him to be here so long as I'm the president.
BLAIR: Well, what more can I say? Probably not wise to say anything more at all. You guys, come on. I want you to -- you're the British delegation; ask a few serious questions.
Q: Perhaps I can change the mood. Mr. President, you talk about setting the objective, but our people, my colleagues on the ground in Iraq, say that when they talk to American troops, the rank and file, they say they don't believe that they've had enough to do the job.
They say further that, while the Iraqi army may be improving, there is absolutely no way to depend upon the police, who they say are corrupt and aligned with militias.
All of this going on. What reason is there to believe that the new government can do any better with these people than we have been able to do so far?
BUSH: There's several tracks. One is the political track. I think it's very important for the Iraqi people to have a government that has been elected under a constitution they approved. In other words, the political track has been a vital part of having a country that can govern itself and defend itself.
There's a security track. And there's no question that there are, you know, a lot of Iraqis trained to fight. And many of them are good fighters.
There are 117,000 that have been trained and equipped. There needs to be more equipment. No question about that.
The Iraqis -- I think if you would get a -- at least the assessment I get is that the Iraqi army is moving well along, and they're taking more and more of the territory over in order to defend their country.
No question, we got a lot of work to do on the police. General Casey has said publicly that year 2006 is the year that we'll train the police up and running.
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