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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Lieboy "Strongly" Disagrees
Pretending he's still working, Bush issued a bizarre speech from Camp David after meeting with his "economic" advisers. No mention of the minimum wage. He gave some fake stats, told a couple of stories and allowed a couple of predictable questions, the last one regarding Judge Taylor's ruling that his eavesdropping program is illegal. At times he appeared bored, exhausted, disgusted, and confused. The White House Transcript doesn't do his jumbled responses justice. A must-see short highlight, You Tube video link, Bush defending warrantless eavesdropping. Either he's on drugs and/or clearly doesn't give a shit and would rather be on vacation. Also on the transcript page a video link to the entire episode.
Saturday Radio Address transcript Abbreviated version: Counterterrorism, defeat terrorists, war on terror, violence and terror, freedom and terror. Terrorists, forces of terror, violent terrorist activity, defeat the terrorists, terrorist attacks, terrorist plot, terrorists remain determined.
---> Direct link including amusing Fux Gnus spin at the end.
Creating more uncertainty and turmoil in the Middle East Bush said Lebanon and Iraq have fragile democracies
Can't talk to the press without a posse And Dick nearby
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