The Rockey Whore Show

Lieboy: "I just had coffee with Rockey Vaccarella. He caught my attention because he decided to come up to Washington, D.C. And Rock is a plain-spoken guy. He's the kind of fellow I feel comfortable talking to. It's an amazing country, isn't it, where.."
Rockey Repuke: It is. You know, it's really amazing when a small man like me can meet the President of the United States. The President is a people person. I knew that from the beginning. I was confident that I could meet President Bush. And my mission was very simple. I wanted to thank President Bush for the millions of FEMA trailers that were brought down there. I just wish the President could have another term in Washington. Another term? Jesus Christ, he hasn't earned the first two. And how could Rockette J. Entrepreneur be so sure he'd be THE one who could meet with Bubble Boy? An unexplained mystery. Millions of trailers? More like thousands and those were inexplicably delayed.
Cindy Sheehan should take note, she needs to drive a fake Hummer to the White House sans armor and maybe she too can meet with the pretzldent. But first, she's going to have to run for office as a Republican.

Media Matters sheds more light.
In "a wonderful segment," CNN provided forum for Katrina survivor to praise Bush on Katrina, omitted that he's a Republican
Summary: CNN's Kyra Phillips allowed Katrina survivor Rockey Vaccarella to repeatedly praise or deflect blame from President Bush over his handling of Hurricane Katrina, yet failed to note that Vaccarella once ran for local office as a Republican. Phillips also failed to challenge Vaccarella's various attempts to excuse the federal government's slow response.
On the August 23 edition of CNN's Live From..., host Kyra Phillips allowed Katrina survivor Rockey Vaccarella to repeatedly praise or deflect blame from President Bush over his handling of Hurricane Katrina, yet failed to note that Vaccarella once ran for local office as a Republican or challenge Vaccarella's various attempts to excuse the federal government's slow response. As Philadelphia Daily News senior writer Will Bunch has reported, Vaccarella ran in 1999 for the St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, commission as a Republican, according to a October 15, 1999, candidate profile in the New Orleans Times-Picayune. While Phillips noted that Vaccarella "ran for office in the past in St. Bernard Parish," she failed to mention his party affiliation. Later, on The Situation Room, CNN White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux did note his Republican Party affiliation while reporting that the White House denied having known it.
...more, much more, at link.
Repressed self-hating homosexuality going on here?
Could be, could be!
That area of the greater N.O. metro is full of white people, captive Limpdick drones and podmasters. This guy's job is all about the exploitation of labor and keeping its price lowwwwwwwwwwww.
It was here I first saw, and then in ever increasing numbers "Rush is Right!" stickers displayed with the Clinton one using a Hammer and Sickle for the "C".
I was stunned by the display of the cult in its full regalia of ignorance and butt headed arrogance. It was '91 and it was a genuine "uh-oh" moment for me.
Did you ever know a guy called "Rocky" to be anything but a doofus dickhead?
Rocky is upper management in some gawdawful fast food chain- I do know he was middle operations management for the vile Popeye's fried chicken chain- a Louisiana homegrown bidness. The fuck who owns that is a major thug- complete with the incredibly ostentatious lake side manse with helo pad in Covington, I believe. They guy's greed is toxic and obvious, Of course he is hailed as a local "hero"
This is what Rocky was exposed to as desirable life goal and clearly he's going for it and what could be better than to cement an "in" with the thug big shots. He sees the largesse that get passed around, and I'll bet a lot of that is just being included n the network of corruption to serve the big fish who get the direct contacts.
Yeah it's not hard to see what Rocky's all about.
And racist? Oh yeah. remember it was St Bernard parish sheriff deputies that fired warning shots and turned back people, all poor most black, on the bridge across the Miss. hey forced these thirsty, desperate people back the 2 miles to the Convention Center death camp.
This is Rocky and thugs in general too.
Naturally, those they revile the most are the same ones they rely on to staff their stinking fat food joints. Vaccccarockarulla here is a natural thug. No question.
Oh, and the beard? That's fucking gay if I ever saw it.
Rocky and Shitboy are made for each other. They use each other so well.
Yup, hand in glove, PR is the name of that game. I'll BET that Rocket boy will be running for elected office in the near future.
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