General Chaos

"One thing is for certain: I will want to make sure the mission is clear and specific and can be accomplished,"Bush said.
One thing is certain, the Bushies have no intention of leaving Iraq yet, there's still money to be skimmed from our taxes. They don't care what we think. Lieboy's shuffling deck chairs on the Hindenburg again. The surge is opposed by Abizaid and Casey so they're out. Shuffle in boyz, Adm. William Fallon and Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus. The Decider only listens to the generals if they agree with him. Just ask Shinseki, et al.
The Neocons function best when all is chaos. They can steal more and hide the evidence much more efficiently while we're all distracted by their wars. Mass confusion and mayhem provide cover for further robbery. Surge, it will be. Bushco already has the funding and the authority to order more troops. They won't stop willingly. It's far too lucrative.
Abizaid is retiring. Gates has proposed Casey as Army Chief of Staff.

Bush is putting the intelligence community further under military control while he still can. Military taking over Intelligence Negroponte has moved to Deputy Secretary of State. The bad news is he's still around. Do N. Korea and China need Death Squad training?
"Each of them will do good work in their new positions, and it is vital that they take up their new responsibilities promptly," Bush said on Friday.
"I would hope that they will be confirmed as quickly as possible," said the president, speaking to the new Senate now under Democratic control.
Mike McConnell

Mike McConnell, President Bush's nominee for Director of National Intelligence, right, looks on as the president makes the announcement, Friday, Jan. 5, 2007 in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Worth reading:
Taking Stock of the Intel Community Shake Up
by Larry C Johnson
The insanity doesn't end there, Chimpy wants Zalmay Khalilzad to replace nasty-piece-of-work John Bolton as U.S. Amb to UN. Another PNAC boy just in case anyone was wondering who still runs the show.
The Wall Street Journal would have us believe Bush wrote an op ed piece for them.
I will be addressing our nation about a new strategy to help the Iraqi people gain control of the security situation and hasten the day when the Iraqi government gains full control over its affairs.
But Pelosi and Reid have other ideas.
Democrats attack surge option
As the President gets ready to unveil his new Iraq strategy, Reid and Pelosi make clear they will fight any plan to increase the number of troops on the ground

They don't even pretend to work very hard. We're at war in Iraq but Lieboy and Dick only have time for a quick conference call to Maliki. Shouldn't they get on a plane and go to see what's happening first hand in Iraq? Maybe see what Maliki's up to? Oh, that's right, it's too dangerous and they don't care enough anyway. Vacation Boy has been secretly transported to the Green Zone hangars twice, briefly, the first with a plastic turkey. AWOL Chickenhawk and Five Deferments are deciderating this war from behind a desk and spinning a mission nobody wants.

In this photo provided by the White House, President George W. Bush, seated left, participates in a secure video teleconference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki from the newly-renovated Situation Room at the White House, Thursday, Jan. 4, 2007. Vice President Dick Cheney is pictured sitting next to the President. (AP Photo/The White House, Eric Draper)
The new "Situation Room" where the Decider is decisional and Dick tells people to go fuck themselves is ready but the "press" room's renovations aren't finished. Our fourth estate is down the street and they need escorts to get onto the White House grounds. It might be my imagination but they seem a bit more pissed off at being tools lately and although it's never an accident to be called upon they seem a bit testier. The neothugs are secretive to a fault. We pay the price. Our troops pay the price. Iraqis pay the price. People all over the world pay the price. Some say impeachment shouldn't be an issue while we have so much to do...I say, multi-task and give us justice!
Bush has ignored "his generals" all along.
Gen. Eric Shinseki, former Army Chief of Staff
Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, former CENTCOM commander
Lt.Gen. Greg Newbold, Director of Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Maj.Gen. John Batiste, former 1st Infantry Division commander
Maj.Gen. Charles Swannack, former commander of the 82d Airborne Division in Iraq
Maj.Gen. John Riggs who, after 39 years in the Army, retired from the Pentagon in 2005
Maj.Gen. Paul Eaton, who oversaw training of Iraqi troops from 2003-2004
The list keeps growing.
Back from their too short vacation in Texas.

Peace to you and yours Panda. You made my morning. Can't.... Stop......Laughing.
Well, thanks for the feedback, human.
I usually entertain just myself. ;)
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