Department of Justice?

Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson, Paul McNulty, Rove and Gonzales have made a mockery of the Justice Department and destroyed its credibility. Purges based on loyalty to Bush, party affiliation and rewards for services to the RNC have placed unqualified people like Tim Griffin into powerful positions in which they have NO business.

(Monica sure has a looong neck)
Surging and Purging NYTimes Select. Bush administration purging independent-minded prosecutors.

The Bush administration withheld a series of e-mails from Congress showing that senior White House and Justice Department officials worked together to conceal the role of Karl Rove in installing Timothy Griffin, a protégé of Rove's, as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas."
About Tim Griffin-Bio, highly padded. The truth? Griffin is a liar
Good grief, he even LOOKS like his ex-boss, Rove.

December 2004, Elizabeth Ann Crain and Tim Griffin
They were married in April 2005.
E-Mails Show Machinations to Replace Prosecutor
Administration Worked for Months to Make Rove Aide U.S. Attorney in Arkansas
The just how aggressively Griffin sought the appointment. On April 27, for example, he used a private e-mail account to send a note to Sampson.
"Kyle, This might also be helpful," Griffin wrote, enclosing the flattering, four-paragraph note that Cummins had written nearly four years earlier, after Griffin had worked in his office as a special assistant U.S. attorney. "Just thought you should have it," Griffin said.
Speaking of justice...a bird pooped on Shitboy the other day while he was lying to us in the Rose Garden.

Hahaha. Seriously, too bad Pterodactyls have died out.
And too bad elephants don't fly.
Video at Crooks and Liars
An apropos oldie:

Press Conference, Rose Garden

That's "just us," not "justice."
They claim to have "god" on their side.
So do all zealots.
And so did Hitler.
To hate them and fear them
To run and to hide
And accept it all bravely
With God on my side.
That stupid jackass wiped away that bird poo with his bare hands. He'd better hope it wasn't carrying bird flu, West Nile virus, Salmonella... manners and no hygienic habits passed on by Bar. Well, although Rummy sold his Tamiflu stock after the last manufactured flu "scare" for a cool $5 million profit maybe he has some leftovers he can spare for the man who had "full confidence" in him and "fully support" him right back.
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