Bush and Fear Back from Crawford
The "news" today is of sniffer dogs gone wild near the WH "press" forcing them onto the streets. Reporters, you are getting sleeeepy....Fear. Terror. Report your terror.

White House press corps evacuated from work center

Ahhh, many implications. Catapult the fear and chaos. It works every time. We've got to fight that terror right here to stop it from being over there. Last week Snowjob told us Bush is on the FRONT LINES. Every day! Where are those pesky front lines? Crawford? The White House door?

A quick stop at Boeing in Kansas for some Quid Pro Quo:

Before flying off for another vacation at the fake ranch, Bush stopped in Kansas to raise dough for Roberts, R-Kan, (war criminal, conspirator, asshole) and toss in a visit to a Boys and Girls Club so the taxpayers can foot the bill for his travel. Nice job, RNC. Stick it to us one more time. This little payback to Roberts yielded an all-time high of $650,000 to his campaign coffers. Fundraiser, Photo/Op

This is important:
Hahahaha, what a whopping LIAR! Radio address
These guys have sold us out and stolen all our money. They're leaving us with HUGE debts, more than all others combined. We owe $38.2 Billion to Mexico. Maybe some decent work programs could be started with that money for the people to whom it belongs. Like the U.S., Mexico isn't investing in a middle class that can compete with slave labor. Trickle up economics.
Jenna but not Not-Jenna flew back with mommy and daddy to D.C.
Leaving Waco.

President Bush and first lady Laura Bush board Air Force One with daughter Jenna Bush in Waco, Texas Sunday, June 17, 2007. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
WH, Marine One, Andrews AFB, Air Force One, Kansas and Waco, Another Marine One, Ranch, and back again, with Jenna but not Not-Jenna. All that gas. Wow. Happy Father's Day W. "Don't buy gas if you don't need it."

Arriving at the White House.
Hide me from the cameras, George!

The Dubya Duo exited from the front onto cement, Jenna onto the lawn, rear door.
All that money and not one clue on how to dress herself. All her taste is in her mouth. She must have a distorted self-image as she too resides in a bubble.

White House press corps evacuated from work center
The White house Press Corps Offices are located across the street from the White House.The White House is on heightened alert due to a visit from the Israeli Prime Minister...a dog singled out a vehicle parked on Jackson Place, in front of the press quarters. "Police were called," Blackford said. "The vehicle is part of the delegation that is staying at the Blair House." Nothing was found in the vehicle, the Secret Service said later. Olmert is staying at Blair House in advance of a meeting on Tuesday

Ahhh, many implications. Catapult the fear and chaos. It works every time. We've got to fight that terror right here to stop it from being over there. Last week Snowjob told us Bush is on the FRONT LINES. Every day! Where are those pesky front lines? Crawford? The White House door?

Snowjob Press Briefing
Q Are there any members of the Bush family or this administration in this war?
MR. SNOW: Yes, the President. The President is in the war every day.
Q Come on. That isn't my question.
MR. SNOW: If you ask any President who is a Commander-in-Chief --
Q On the front lines --
MR. SNOW: The President. ....
A quick stop at Boeing in Kansas for some Quid Pro Quo:

Before flying off for another vacation at the fake ranch, Bush stopped in Kansas to raise dough for Roberts, R-Kan, (war criminal, conspirator, asshole) and toss in a visit to a Boys and Girls Club so the taxpayers can foot the bill for his travel. Nice job, RNC. Stick it to us one more time. This little payback to Roberts yielded an all-time high of $650,000 to his campaign coffers. Fundraiser, Photo/Op
Bush posed for pictures Friday at a $500-a-person fundraiser for Sen. Pat Roberts. The photos cost extra. The event, closed to the press, was held at the home of Dave Murfin, president of Murfin Drilling Co., and his wife Janet.

This is important:
"While he chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee from 2002 to 2007, Roberts stonewalled attempts to investigate everything from the manipulation of intelligence in the rush to war in Iraq, President Bush's warrantless wiretaps, and even allegations of the use of torture by the CIA," said Mike Gaughan, director of the Kansas Democratic Party. "After carrying President Bush's water for so many years, Senator Roberts is calling in the IOU."
Hahahaha, what a whopping LIAR! Radio address
"I will use my veto to stop tax increases and runaway spending that threaten the strength of our economy and the prosperity of our people."
These guys have sold us out and stolen all our money. They're leaving us with HUGE debts, more than all others combined. We owe $38.2 Billion to Mexico. Maybe some decent work programs could be started with that money for the people to whom it belongs. Like the U.S., Mexico isn't investing in a middle class that can compete with slave labor. Trickle up economics.
Jenna but not Not-Jenna flew back with mommy and daddy to D.C.
Leaving Waco.

President Bush and first lady Laura Bush board Air Force One with daughter Jenna Bush in Waco, Texas Sunday, June 17, 2007. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
WH, Marine One, Andrews AFB, Air Force One, Kansas and Waco, Another Marine One, Ranch, and back again, with Jenna but not Not-Jenna. All that gas. Wow. Happy Father's Day W. "Don't buy gas if you don't need it."

Arriving at the White House.
Hide me from the cameras, George!

The Dubya Duo exited from the front onto cement, Jenna onto the lawn, rear door.
All that money and not one clue on how to dress herself. All her taste is in her mouth. She must have a distorted self-image as she too resides in a bubble.

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