Raping and Pillaging Continues

Junior warmonger, Vortex Boy, The Commander Guy, The Decider, the Compassionate Conservative, the "man" who would be king...wants more money, again. Congress must show they support the troops by giving even more of our taxes for "bullets" to a madman and his warring rulers. If Democrats don't authorize this "supplemental" for supplies, the troops will suffer. George will blame Democrats no matter what.
Bush asks Congress for more war money
Bush asked Congress on Monday for $189.3 billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, another huge request that faced deep skepticism from lawmakers opposed to prolonging the Iraq conflict.
"Deep skepticism" is the best our weak Democrats can utter? How about OUTRAGE?! How about IMPEACHMENT?! This rolling over and taking it in the ass HAS to stop.
It's his war...let his rich buddies ante up.
The 24% who still "approve" can pay.
And where's that $9 BILLION Bremer lost?

"The Secret Service won’t let me go hunting with him"-Bush

Washington Institute for Near East Policy
The spirit of freedom is stirring in Iran. The voices of change and peaceful dissent will not be silent. We can expect to hear more from the courageous reformers, the bloggers, and the advocates of rights for women and ethnic and religious minorities, because these men and women are more loyal to their country than to the regime. Dick Cheney, 10-21-07

Let's change just one word in that paragraph, shall we?
The spirit of freedom is stirring in America. The voices of change and peaceful dissent will not be silent. We can expect to hear more from the courageous reformers, the bloggers, and the advocates of rights for women and ethnic and religious minorities, because these men and women are more loyal to their country than to the regime.

Iran! Incoming! Duck!


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