We Need Al Gore
Nobel Peace Prize to be announced on October 12.

Please watch this....PLEASE!

Different responses to Katrina. Gore personally went in and evacuated people from a hospital in New Orleans. FEMA, neutered by Bush/Cheney and run by Chertoff, blocked aid. Bush stayed out of harm's way and Brownie did a heckuva job. Dick was in the bunker counting his money.

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America for Gore
Netroots for Gore

As expected, Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Time for him to run. The smearing has begun again, as predicted, it's OUR job to refute all those disgusting lies. Al Gore is a winner, no matter what, but we NEED him, NOW.

Please watch this....PLEASE!

Different responses to Katrina. Gore personally went in and evacuated people from a hospital in New Orleans. FEMA, neutered by Bush/Cheney and run by Chertoff, blocked aid. Bush stayed out of harm's way and Brownie did a heckuva job. Dick was in the bunker counting his money.

Watch this too...

America for Gore
Netroots for Gore

As expected, Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize.
The Nobel Peace Prize committee gave the award jointly to Mr Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, citing their efforts to spread awareness of man-made climate change and lay the foundations for counteracting it.
Time for him to run. The smearing has begun again, as predicted, it's OUR job to refute all those disgusting lies. Al Gore is a winner, no matter what, but we NEED him, NOW.

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