Jeb Stays in the Public Eye
The Bush Family Evil Empire has NO intention of going quietly into that good night. Jeb will be running for president. His son will be running for office of some kind. Ooooh, Jeb has 7 principles of improving America's educational system. The one his brother broke?
Let's get one thing straight, the Republicans don't want a literate educated and THINKING America. They want us as dumb and uninformed as possible. Education is only for them...and their friends, and other rich people. Not for the masses. Ignorant folks are SO much easier to vote in their own worst interests for thieves, aka GOPers.
Hannity was thrilled with his "exclusive" interview with Jebby the pig nosed wonder.
Youtube Hannity's Six ideas for saving America. Jeb has seven due to his "passion" for education
Part One.

I can see it all now...."A Passion for Reform" is a delightfully ambiguous campaign slogan.
Part Two.
Hannity just lies and lies and lies. And Jeb, everything was WORSE than bad while your "brother" occupied our White House. Obama is trying to FIX it. STFU!

Jeb is staying bizzy:
April, 2009
Jeb Bush elected to Rayonier board
How convenient, an interim job to keep his finger in while he bides his time to run for president?
Jeb Again In '10?
Monday, 25 May 2009
Need I say, "Yikes, Ghod help us!"

When will that "right time" be? 2012? 2016? He was only born in 1953.
Bush, Wolf address Manufacturers' Association of South Central Pa
May 20, 2009
Jeb is as delusional as the rest of his sick evil twisted family. Hey Jeb, 9/11 happened on your brother's watch! He'll go down in history as the worst president in American history. Prescott Bush, H. W., Dumbya, they're all CROOKS!
Let's get one thing straight, the Republicans don't want a literate educated and THINKING America. They want us as dumb and uninformed as possible. Education is only for them...and their friends, and other rich people. Not for the masses. Ignorant folks are SO much easier to vote in their own worst interests for thieves, aka GOPers.
Hannity was thrilled with his "exclusive" interview with Jebby the pig nosed wonder.
Youtube Hannity's Six ideas for saving America. Jeb has seven due to his "passion" for education
Part One.

I can see it all now...."A Passion for Reform" is a delightfully ambiguous campaign slogan.
Part Two.
Hannity just lies and lies and lies. And Jeb, everything was WORSE than bad while your "brother" occupied our White House. Obama is trying to FIX it. STFU!

Jeb is staying bizzy:
April, 2009
Jeb Bush elected to Rayonier board
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was elected to the Rayonier Inc. board of directors at the company’s annual shareholder meeting on Thursday.
Bush had previously been appointed to the board after his term as governor ended in 2007. He will serve a term expiring in 2010.
Jacksonville-based Rayonier (NYSE: RYN), which sells and develops real estate, manages timberland and produces cellulose fibers, also added David W. Oskin to its board. Oskin, who will serve a term expiring in 2011, is president of private investment and advisory company Four Winds Ventures.
How convenient, an interim job to keep his finger in while he bides his time to run for president?
Jeb Again In '10?
Monday, 25 May 2009
TAMPA - Some fierce Jeb Bush fans are urging the former Florida governor to again run for governor. They've launched a website site called "Jeb Again in '10"-- says "Run, Jeb, Run," but does not say who's behind the site.
A new Mason Dixon polls finds Bush would win both the Republican primary against state Attorney General Bill McCollum and the general election versus stat Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, a Democrat. That is, if he were to run.
The polling of 600 likely voters found Bush's approval rating two years out of office is higher than current Governor Charlie Crist, who is running for the U.S. Senate instead of seeking re-election.
Need I say, "Yikes, Ghod help us!"
Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush speaks at country day school
May 19, 2009
When asked by a local school student whether he would consider a run for the White House, Jeb Bush didn't exactly say no.

When will that "right time" be? 2012? 2016? He was only born in 1953.
Bush, Wolf address Manufacturers' Association of South Central Pa
May 20, 2009
Twice Jeb Bush dodged questions about his own future in politics, before he finally gave in and answered the questions posed by Michael Smeltzer, the executive director of the manufacturers' association.
Bush, 56, a younger brother of former President George W. Bush, served two terms as governor of Florida from 1998-2006. He said he is now working to make sure that the Republican Party becomes more idea driven than it is now.
"I don't anticipate running for anything, but do want to support people that are crazy enough to do it," Bush said.
Jeb Bush also was asked about how he thinks his brother's tenure as president will go down in history.
He said that he thinks history will treat George W. Bush's presidency "much kinder" than the press and opponents did in the final two years of his second term.
"I think he will go down in history as a president that kept us safe in a very traumatic time," Jeb Bush said.
Jeb is as delusional as the rest of his sick evil twisted family. Hey Jeb, 9/11 happened on your brother's watch! He'll go down in history as the worst president in American history. Prescott Bush, H. W., Dumbya, they're all CROOKS!

Hey, glad to see you back. I read you in the UK.
Hey, I'm originally FROM the UK. Glad you stopped by, mate.
What's all this about ukeleles then?
George Formby. He was a famous British entertainer when I and the Beatles were young. He played the ukulele.,_Jr.
They were small enough to take around to the local pub. Easy-ish to learn, and everyone knew the words.
George (Gear, Fab) liked the Uke. Sob.
He did indeed, Goober, as did Paul.
If you've seen the tribute concert for George...which made me cry my guts out, they used 'em there too.
Mod or Rocker? Mod.
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