Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sarah, Please Go Away

We don't need Palin acting as Newt Gingrich's trial balloon tester. First he tossed out the "Death Panel" phrase, then she used it, then he defended HER use of it. C'mon now you liars, how stupid do you think we are? Don't answer that. As long as THE propaganda stations that carry Rush Limbaugh and Fox News dominate, the misinformation will continue to fly. They're pretty desperate to still be using Mrs. Quitter Barracuda as their spokesperson. Her "base" of teabaggers, birthers, and deathers just LOVE her. The rest of us deserve a break from the hot air. She should stay home now and take care of her family, perhaps read a few books...other than The Bible. She seriously needs to broaden her horizons before she opens her mouth in public again.

Quitter Express

For a woman who wants the media to leave her children alone she sure exposes them to the cameras a great deal when it suits her purposes. I don't care a whit about her offspring, SHE's the dangerous one. Ignorant opinionated people usually are.


Anonymous aed said...

Something tells me that Sarah doesn't even read the Bible...

7:16 AM  
Blogger Panda said...

Something tells me she can't even read.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:08 PM  

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