Santorum & Bush, Ka-ching, Ka-ching

The event was closed to the news media. "It was very up close and personable. The president gave a mesmerizing speech," said Allegheny County Republican Chairman Bob Glancy. County Councilwoman Jan Rea, of McCandless, who was a member of the host committee, said Bush spoke for more than 30 minutes. He praised Santorum as a leader who doesn't back away from his principles. Bush also talked about the war in Iraq. Santorum and Bush appeared together briefly at the airport, but unlike previous visits Bush has made to Pittsburgh, there was no public event on the agenda.

Santorum is in a tight, closely watched race against Bob Casey, Jr. As of yesterday, excluding tonight's haul, Santorum was leading in the big bucks this race will cost with $7.8 million in his coffers as opposed to Casey's $3.4 million.
For an extra $10,000 the well-heeled far no-righters could get their pic snapped with a lying thieving killer. Such a deal! Selective coverage only Bush and Cheney appearances lately. Rick wants Bush money but not his poll numbers. Bob Casey holds a 12 point lead over Santorum. GOP Fundraisers are tricky for Republicans with Bush's low approval numbers. For example, Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) and Bush will Fundfest in D.C. on Monday, far away from Montana voters. Burns has his own Abramoff connection that isn't going away.

Video from local Pittsburgh station of Chimp's arrival. In the meantime, Santorum has run afoul of campaign financing rules over his questionable and unethical financial dealings with the anti-choice Urban Family Council. Santorum assisted the group in obtaining $250,000 in federal funds despite their tax exempt status. Santorum doesn't believe in the separation of church and state. Fred Phelps, disgusting homophobe supports Santorum. How appropriate, they're both intolerant jerks without a true Christian bone in their bodies.
A grand a plate and they took in 700gs? Someone must have had more than one helping or Ricky has a big damn house!
I think it was those special pics with Lieboy.
The more he has taken the more he can deny knowing Abramoff intimately.
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