Bullshit Flag Desecration Distraction

First the House passed their bill with only 130 members realizing this is NOT an issue out here. (There was plenty of leeway for a few wayward Republicans to vote no.) Now the Senate is yapping and yammering, posturing hypocritically about it. Who the hell asked them to put this subject on the front burner? Bill Nutcase Frist's Citizens Flag Alliance? CFA has several links inside, most to religious groups like Tony Perkins' family of nutjobs alliance but others are 404, site doesn't exist and some others I'm sure don't realize that saying "no" to flag burning put them in such extremist company.

Flag Burning Redux
If this is an election year, it must be time to amend the Constitution.
If you haven't noticed a rash of flag-burning incidents sweeping the nation that's because, well, there isn't one. But that doesn't stop Republicans from trotting it out as a more-patriotic-than-thou card.
Flag Desecration Chronology
CFA's "evidence" of flag desecration for2006 :Drunks, teens and vandals. Hardly a threat to Democracy.
And for 2005 etc. etc. ad nauseum. Nothing more than crazy kids, drunks and one or two people with an axe to grind. Again, hardly a threat to Democracy...unlike our current White House occupants.
Update: The vote
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