Disaster Spins Disaster

Lieboy hugs a Lott...

President Bush hugs Tricia Lott, wife of U.S. Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., as Laura Bush, right, exchanges hugs with Marsha Barbour, wife of Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Monday, Aug. 28, 2006, at Trent Lott National Guard Training Center in Gulfport, Miss. (AP Photo/Rogelio Solis)
He chatted with community leaders in Mississippi at the Biloxi Schooner Restaurant. He likes to mix food and nasty stuff like work. He and Pickles continued their schmoozefest and spin at "Mother's Next Door" in New Orleans with an uncomfortable looking Nagin.

One bright note from the day, Yes Men acting as fake HUD officials trumped lying HUD officials by stating the opposite of the gubmint's nasty plans for New Orleans.
Fake officials "reopen" New Orleans public housing
A prankster posing as a federal housing official took centre stage at a New Orleans event with the city mayor and the governor of Louisiana, controversially promising to throw open closed public housing to thousands of poor former city residents.
Strings attached to the limited dough...
Bush on Gulf Coast a year after Katrina
He wasn't bringing any new aid announcements or fresh policy proposals. Instead, the president was hoping the addresses would persuade local residents and doubters elsewhere that he remains committed to seeing the region rebuilt better than before.
On one matter that has become a subject of finger-pointing between Washington and the region, aides said Bush would stress that state and local governments need to do their part to get federal money to victims — an unmistakable jab at leaders in Louisiana and New Orleans, where federal money for citizens to rebuild homes has yet to begin flowing.
So far, Congress has approved $110 billion in hurricane aid. The Bush administration has released $77 billion to the states, reserving the rest for future needs, but $33 billion of that has not yet been spent.
Don Powell, Bush's federal Gulf Coast coordinator, also warned in an interview that no more money would flow to the region until there is proof that what has been approved is being spent well.
"It's now time for the people to demonstrate they're going to use this money wisely," he said in an interview. "We need to see plans, execution."
Just one of the boys...

Huggin' more white folks....NOT in the 9th ward.


Looks like they re-evaluated Shitboy's meds- he's not sweating lke a stuck pig anymore.
It's 95+ Degrees there at 90+% Humidity. I guarantee you a normal person sweats in that. The way teh shitboy was sweating I suppose they would have had to hook him up to a saline drip to keep him hydrated had his sweat hogging continued.
Look at him now, not a drop. They must have dipped him in Aluminum Chlorhydrate or something.
Hahaha...that was one of the first things I noticed. He developed a moist upper lip and then nothing else. Not even his forehead. You must be right. Sheep dip.
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