Maryland Senate Race-Dirty Tactics

A radio ad in Maryland has all the earmarks of being of a Rovesque smashmouth political hatchet job. This closely watched senate race is purportedly a Toss-Up. Republican Michael S. Steele is black, Democrat Ben Cardin is white.

In his campaign for the U.S. Senate, Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele has launched a new TV ad that has Democrats complaining.Critics said the commercial puts style over substance, fails to discuss the issues, hides Steele's ties to President George W. Bush's administration and tries to blur party lines. In Maryland, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 2-to-1 margin.

Steele claims not to have heard the ad. But, he said, "I think Republicans have allowed Democrats to control the debate on political opportunity for African Americans. . . . It's about time the Republicans speak to their real place in history . . . and to debunk the myths."

Black Republicans run racially tinged radio ad in Md.
It was not immediately clear on which stations the 60-second ad was airing or how long it had been running, although a news release on the group's Web site dated two weeks ago announced its release. The Washington Post reported for a story in Thursday's editions that the ad was running on Baltimore stations.
Controversial ad draws criticism.
NBRA chairwoman Francis (sic) Rice tells WJZ's Brown the ads are designed to "set the record straight." "We are trying to enlighten African-Americans about their political history so that they can know that they have a choice," says Rice.
Our Mission: Returning black Americans to their Republican Party roots.

The offending Radio Ad Audio
Text below fold
Two women, voices A and B, Text:
Voice A:Dr. King was a real man
Voice B:You KNOW he was a Republican
A:Dr. King? A Republican?
B:Democrats passed those black codes and Jim Crow laws, Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan
A:White hoods and sheets?
B:Democrats fought all civil rights legislation from the 1860s to the 1960s, Democrats released those vicious dogs and fire hoses on blacks
B:And the Dixiecrats? Remained democrats and vowed to vote for a yellow dog before a Republican. Republicans freed us from slavery and put our right to vote in the Constitution
B:Republicans started the NAACP affirmative action and the HBCUs
A:Sounds like Democrats have bamboozled blacks
B:Democrats blocked the minimum wage passed by Republicans and over 200 billion dollars have been spent on education health care and job training since president Bush took office
A:So Democrats want to keep us poor while voting only Democrat
B:Democrats want us to accept same sex marriages, teen abortions without a parent's consent, and suing the boy scouts for saying god in their pledge
A:See, we need to think and vote on our own values
B:Exactly. Democrats have talked the talk but the Republicans have walked the walk
A:Girl, it's time for us to...
A and B: Do the walk
B:You know it, girl.
Black Officials Support Cardin
Steele is pressing for an investigation into a former staffer, fired by Cardin, who reportedly blogged about Cardin's campaign and referred to Steele as an "Oreo". The staffer contended that Cardin's campaing was hyper sensitive over race issues.
Moonie TimesAmong the black leaders endorsing Mr. Cardin yesterday were Mr. Cummings; state Sen. Verna Jones, chairman of the state legislature's black caucus; and state Senate Majority Leader Nathaniel J. McFadden -- all Baltimore Democrats who endorsed Mr. Mfume in the primary election.
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