Bent Out of Shape Pickles

Laura Bush has a horrible deformity apart from the appendage with whom she frequently travels. The small finger on her right hand is crooked, perpetually bent. Austrian President Heinz Fischer had a closer look. Lieboy flailed his own stiff thick little fingers. Or maybe he was waving at Condi to come on over and join them. He looks delighted to see her. Laura, not quite so much, eyes off to the right. That's a rather confrontational stance in her slides as Sleeza sidled up in her slingbacks. Maybe the rumors are true.

Somebody on the First Lady's staff has some explaining to do. At a White House Photo Op with Australian Prime Minister Howard and his wife earlier this month Laura wore the same suit. AUSTRalia, AUSTRia; close enough in an illiterate househhold where no attention is paid to detail. The hanger must be labeled "Aus" for short. Heads should roll over this fashion faux pas. It's equally gunny sackish the second time around. But for a duel over their man on foreign turf it's just not fighting attire. Condi wore a tight snazzy skirt with a pleated ruffle that yells more than foreign affairs.

Further evidence of the aforementioned deformity.

You'd think she'd get it fixed.
I can't think of a single reason why not. Hmmm. Any sick minds out there who can come up with a reason?
I'll bet Bar could fix it with a mallet.
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