Rumors Abound

However, we're sure of one thing, Dubya and Condya love each other. It's in their eyes, their kisses, and their smiles.
Condi’s Slip
A pressing issue of dinner-party etiquette is vexing Washington, according to a story now making the D.C. rounds: How should you react when your guest, in this case national-security adviser Condoleezza Rice, makes a poignant faux pas? At a recent dinner party hosted by New York Times D.C. bureau chief Philip Taubman and his wife, Times reporter Felicity Barringer, and attended by Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Maureen Dowd, Steven Weisman, and Elisabeth Bumiller,

Ahhh, India...Pickles was loaded and in a dowdy frock...Condi was looking gooood.

But with this group of lying bastards in the White House, it's possible Condi is being used as a beard to cover up the more serious allegations to Chimpy's religious nutcake base, that he's been having affairs with Jeff Gannon and a bunch of bald men.
Update: Condi has moved a Canadian.

Yeah, yeah, it's Madsen
June 3, 2006 -- WMR can report that a Mayflower Hotel staffer has confirmed that First Lady Laura Bush spent at least one night this past week at the hotel, which is four blocks north of the White House. Mrs. Bush reportedly moved out of the White House after a confrontation with President Bush over his on-going affair with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The Mayflower's official position on the story is that they can "neither confirm nor deny" the identities of their guests. Because it's penchant for security and secrecy is well known to the Secret Service, the Mayflower has become a reliable hotel for U.S. and international VIPs.

Some Washington observers believe that the recent flare up between Laura Bush and the president stems from the fact that her poll numbers are twice as favorable as her husband's (60 percent to 29 percent). Laura Bush's recent solo missions to New Orleans, Colorado, and an AIDS conference at the United Nations represent a virtual declaration of independence from the most unpopular president in U.S. history. "She's [Laura's] taking a page right out of Hillary's book," said one Washington pundit. Rice, on the other hand, has been very close and loyal to Bush since she signed on as his chief foreign policy adviser in 2000. WMR has been told of intimate encounters between Mr. Bush and Rice on trips to New York City (multiple occasions) and New Orleans following Katrina.
And until we have a better "source" than Madsen, my disclaimer is that this is all pure speculation. However, Randi Rhodes went with it on Friday. So at the very least it's a hell of a lot of fun. So, sue me.
Update:AP pic of disgust

Pickles' before pic:

Hat tip to Asta

Coming soon to The New York Times? Globe reports Bush marriage breakup
Summary: In Patrick Healy's recent front-page New York Times article on the state of the Clintons' marriage, Healy noted that a "tabloid photograph" of former President Bill Clinton "was enough to fuel coverage in the gossip pages." Media Matters does not endorse the decision by elite media figures to take their cues from tabloids, but if they do so, we expect them to be consistent. As it happens, the cover of the May 29 edition of the Globe magazine contains a headline about another high-profile political couple: "BUSH MARRIAGE BREAKUP! EXCLUSIVE! SEPARATE LIVES IN THE WHITE HOUSE."

Variation on a theme:

Hey, check this out:
The Globe is running with the story, no less on the front page of the May 23 issue at the above link.
And as you know -- the GLOBE is the main news source for Bush's Base. So they'll believe this stuff even if it is rumors.
Maybe you can upload that image of Laura's scowling face. It is priceless.
But I gotta know this: Was Laura *really* wearing those kitchen mitts with that dress on the India tour? Please tell me it's photoshopped so I won't have bad fashion dreams.
Thanks, Asta. I've been trying to update since yesterday.Thanks for the media matters link. I've also been trying to reply to your comment for a few hours. I'm frustrated beyond belief. has been impossible to deal with for a couple of weeks, server busy, and try again can't locate server, and for the past week posting has been almost impossible. When I DO get in, pictures won't upload for me using any method. I've only gotten one post to show in the last five days. If I knew then what I know now about the unreliability of blogspot I would never have used them.
Hahahaha, the mitts are from her trip to see Queen Liz in England (where she dressed like Minnie Mouse), slightly enhanced. :) But no, she didn't wear them to India. I "helped" her out. If I can ever get into my blog again after this, I'll post the original pic of Pickles in India. I think I spruced her up quite a bit. Hahaha. Yup, the first one of DubYa/ConnedYa got an assist too. ;)
I'll keep time permits.
This sure feels like a vast right wing conspiracy in the blogosphere.
User outrage
More problems
Actually, there has been some suspicious hacking of left-thinking sites this weekend. Rigorous Intuition (Jeff Wells) can't update his site, but the forum still works. But the comments section is screwed. He also said his PayPal account had been hacked and he was taken for several hundred bucks. If you have a PayPal account, please check on its status and notify PayPal of any weird goings-on.
Thanks for the update about the oven mitts. I can rest easier now.
Hahaha, those gloves make her look like a lobster.
I think you're on to something with Anacondi being used as a beard. They can't let the Christian Right find out about Gannon and the other baldy-heads.
Hey, Cabbie...have you had trouble with blogger for the past two+ weeks? I have. More problems than I can list. Not to be a CT but it's interesting that so many blogspot bloggers couldn't post before, during, and after the election. Hmmmmm.
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