Monday, October 20, 2008

Sarah the Socialist

Sarah the Socialist

Palin backed Alaskan windfall-profits tax
In fact, Palin’s plan looks similar in concept to Barack Obama’s plan. The state gave Alaskans $1200 checks from oil revenues as a one-time bonus to pay for increased fuel prices, a move Palin pushed. That echoes the Obama plan to send one-time rebates to taxpayers, funded by similar levies on oil companies.

Joe the Lying Moron

It's only "socialism" if the Democrats do it?

Palinomics: Alaska now has some of the highest resource taxes in the world. Alaska’s oil tax revenues are expected to be about $10 billion in 2008.
Palin approved gas tax relief for Alaskans, and paid every resident $1,200 to help ease their fuel-price burden.

Alaska 1st, Ariz. last in pork spending
Did McCain "vet" Palin at ALL? Flip flop McCain is against windfall tax profits and redistribution of wealth. Palin has been all for windfall tax profits and redistribution of wealth-for Alaskans. They are polar opposites on Earmarks

Arizona, the second fastest growing state in the nation, will receive just $18.70 per capita in federal earmarks this fiscal year. By comparison, Alaska — with roughly a tenth of Arizona's population — is set to receive $506.34 per capita, the highest in the nation, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group which tracks earmarks.

To the detriment of some of his constituents and to stubbornly make his point, McCain didn't ask for funding for many programs including the health hazard that is Nogales, Arizona; ironically, Senator Kyl (R-AZ) fellow anti-earmarker had to "reach across the aisle" instead to get federal assistance for Nogales.

Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil
Democrat Barack Obama supports a national windfall-profits tax, while Republican John McCain opposes it.

Alaskan Oil Revenues

Alaska thanks you
It's a fact: For every dollar we Alaskans pay in at-the-pump gas taxes, we get $6.60 back, thanks to you generous, unwitting donors.

According to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a non-partisan watchdog group in Washington, that breaks down to $1,150 for every Alaskan in "earmark" funding for in-state projects alone, 25 times what the average American garners for his or her home state.

Gas Tax Take

Palin record questioned by many in energy industry
One of Palin’s first acts as governor was to support additional taxation of the oil industry, an idea supported by her predecessor, former Gov.Murkowski. Murkowski wanted to use the additional income to finance the natural gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Canada at an estimated cost of $20 billion. Palin’s new tax will refund the money to “deserving” Alaskans.

Palin’s support of a new tax on the oil industry is patterned after the so-called Windfall Profits Tax. Ironically, her political partner, Sen. John McCain, has opposed such tax policies, but Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, supports a similar tax that would generate enough money to give $1,000 back to “deserving” citizens.

Sarah gets to decide who is "deserving" and who isn't.
Palin Teen Mom Cuts

Palin's earmark requests: more per person than any other state

Just this year, she sent to Sen. Ted. Stevens, R-Alaska, a proposal for 31 earmarks totaling $197 million — more, per person, than any other state.

Her presidential running mate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., does not sponsor earmarks, calling the practice of doling out favors, often with scant oversight, "disgraceful."
Some of Palin's requests...$499,900 to assess halibut village airports in the Alaskan bush, where small planes and gravel runways may be the primary link to the outside world.

Palin's requests to Congress came at a time of huge federal deficits, while Alaska state revenue was soaring due to rising oil prices and a major tax increase on oil production that Palin signed into law in late 2007.

As a result, Alaska this year was in such a money-flushed condition — with no state income tax or sales tax and total state revenues of $10 billion, double the previous year's — that Palin gained legislative approval for $1,200 cash payments to every Alaskan.

In addition, each Alaska resident gets an annual dividend check, about $2,000 this year, from Alaska's oil-wealth savings account, known as the Permanent Fund, now fattened to more than $35 billion.

Alaska received more than any other state for earmarks. Palin, with a HUGE budget, turned around and redistributed the wealth to her constituents who pay NO state income taxes and NO sales taxes. In order to offset being a Socialist and the EARMARK QUEEN, she displayed her "Christian" and GOP credentials by CUTTING funding for unwed pregnant teens thereby pleasing her base of fellow hypocritical Creationists. It's only "wealth redistribution" and/or "Socialism" if it's done by a Democrat since Sarah determines who is "deserving" based upon their religion. Her enormously swollen budget makes the cuts to unwed teens even more repugnant. Do as we say, not as we do. She was pregnant out of wedlock as is one of her daughters. Perhaps she should have increased biology and physiology education funding.

Alaska has a multibillion-dollar budget surplus while here in California, the most populous state, we have a shortfall and pay taxes up the wazoo.
Which states have no personal income tax?

Seven states have no state income tax: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Two others, New Hampshire and Tennessee, tax only dividend and interest income.

Alaska is the only state that does not collect state sales tax or levy an individual income tax.
Oil, baby, oil. Alaska's government primarily depends on oil revenue, hence Palin's desire to drill, baby, drill.

Gov. Sarah Palin employed a lobbying firm to secure almost $27 million in federal earmarks for a town of 6,700 residents while she was its mayor, according to an analysis by an independent government watchdog group.

GOP Tax Cuts

McCain hailed Palin as
a politician "with an outstanding reputation for standing up to special interests and entrenched bureaucracies -- someone who has fought against corruption and the failed policies of the past, someone who's stopped government from wasting taxpayers' money."
"As governor, I've stood up to the old politics-as-usual, to the special interests, to the lobbyists, the big oil companies, and the good-ol'-boy network," she said Friday.
As mayor of Wasilla, however, Palin oversaw the hiring of Robertson, Monagle & Eastaugh, an Anchorage-based law firm with close ties to Alaska's most senior Republicans: Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens, who was indicted in July on charges of accepting illegal gifts. The Wasilla account was handled by the former chief of staff to Stevens, Steven W. Silver, who is a partner in the firm.

Palin was elected mayor of Wasilla in 1996 on a campaign theme of "a time for change." According to a review of congressional spending by Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group in Washington, Wasilla did not receive any federal earmarks in the first few years of Palin's tenure.

Senate records show that Silver's firm began working for Palin in early 2000, just as federal money began flowing.
"She certainly wasn't shy about putting the old-boy network to use to bring home millions of dollars," said Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense. "She's a little more savvy to the ways of Washington than she's let on."

So the "change/reform" she brought to Alaska was to increase funding for Washington lobbyists to get even more earmarks and pork barrel dollars from the rest of us. Plus she kept the money for the "bridge to nowhere" that she was FOR, money out of OUR US Treasury and pockets. That's certainly not putting "Country First" as she claims. She's screwed the rest of us out of tax money WE paid to maintain our own crumbling infrastructures and redistributed it to Alaskans. All in direct opposition to McCain's claimed goals. His "vetting" team leaves a lot to be desired. They have saddled him with a corrupt woman whose only appeal is to fellow right wing theocratic nutcases who believe in Creationism.


Sunday, October 12, 2008


McCain now claims he's for government regulation and "oversight" of corporations and has been all along. That's yet another LIE.
To quote his good buddy Senator Graham, "The rhetoric and the record don't match", although Graham was lyingly referring to Obama's record, not McCain's. The words match the McSame actions much better.

Q: In 1999, you were one of the senators who helped pass deregulation of Wall Street. Do you regret that now?

McCAIN: No. I think the deregulation was probably helpful to the growth of our economy.

Fact:McCain has ALWAYS been against regulating corporations.
he has no history prior to the presidential campaign of advocating steps to tighten standards on investment firms...

"I’m always for less regulation," he told The Wall Street Journal last March, "but I am aware of the view that there is a need for government oversight" in situations like the subprime lending crisis, the problem that has cascaded through Wall Street this year. He concluded, "but I am fundamentally a deregulator."

McSame needs to learn how to use teh google. Technically he can say he didn't actually vote FOR Gramm's bill at one point. Although a backer of the legislation from day one, he escaped with a recorded Not Voting designation. The bill passed with 90 Yeas at that stage out of many. How mavericky and brave of him. McSame never met a corporation or rich family, aka gang of unscrupulous thugs, he didn't like.

Claiming that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused the financial meltdown is a LIE. It's the spin from the right...blame the borrowers, especially if they're not wealthy. A favorite hobby of the GOP is "Blame the Victim". The meltdown in the economy is directly related to deregulation of the BIG BOYS on Wall Street, and the inevitable theft they perpetrated, not the little guys on Main Street trying to pay their mortgages after their jobs were outsourced. It's typical GOP "blame the victim" bullshit.

Federal housing data indicate that the charges aren't true, and that the private sector, not the government or government-backed companies, was behind the soaring subprime lending at the core of the crisis.
Federal Reserve Board data show that:

•More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions.

•Private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year.

•Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that's being lambasted by conservative critics.
Fannie Mae, the Federal National Mortgage Association, and Freddie Mac, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., don't lend money, to minorities or anyone else, however. They purchase loans from the private lenders who actually underwrite the loans.
But these loans, and those to low- and moderate-income families represent a small portion of overall lending.

Ahahahaaaaa, how conveeenient. He pretends he had no hand act nor part in the mess he eagerly helped to create.
McCain Blasts Wall Street's 'Reckless Conduct, Corruption, and Unbridled Greed'
"I promise you that on my watch, we are never going to let these kinds of abuses go uncorrected or unpunished."
Actions speak louder than words, John.

During the GOP primary debates, March, 2008, Russert to McCain:
"You have said repeatedly, quote, 'I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated.' Is it a problem for your campaign that the economy is now the most important issue, one that by your own acknowledgment you're not well versed on?"

McCain: "Actually, I don't know where you got that quote from. I'm very well versed in economics. I was there at the Reagan revolution. I was there when we enacted the first -- or just after we enacted the first tax cuts and the restraints on spending. I was chairman of the Commerce Committee in the United States Senate, which addresses virtually every major economic issue that affects the United States of America. I'm very well versed on economics."

McCain just doesn't know where Russert got those quotes? How about the New York Times and the Boston Globe? Perhaps he considers those to be the "Liberal Media" so how about the Wall Street Journal? John Sidney McCain, Google IS your friend! Honestly! Sid McCain can't handle the truth.

"I'm going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated."-The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 26, 2005

"The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should," McCain said. "I've got Greenspan's book."-Boston Globe, December 18, 2007

And... His foremost economic guru is former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm (who would almost certainly be Treasury secretary in a McCain administration) YIKES! Whiners, begone!

McCain and Bush were on the same page 95% of the time.
Twins. McSame in every way regarding NOT regulating their friends.

Spinning Head Notes:
Craig Crawford's gasps for air are incredibly irritating. (So many "pundits" are fucking irritating.) But for the love of ghod, give the man some oxygen or take him off the air.
MSNBC:Could somebody give Contessa Brewer a few grammar lessons?! She needs to start at square one with the difference between singular and plural modifiers. It's PAINFUL to listen to her "wing it" and breathlessly fracture the English language during so-called "breaking" news stories. Watching her try to think is excruciating.

I whine endlessly about this one but it's been a sharp thorn in my side for years; my MAJOR language manglage pet peeve ever since Dick became the veep: PLEASE networks, Cable news, all television "news" shows... remove "IF YOU WILL" from the repertoire of each and every spinning head on TV. I know, getting rid of this particular piece of filler will limit what the Max and Maxette Headrooms have to say but that might be a good thing. David Schuster, Norah O'Donnell, David supercilious Gregory, Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash...and on and on and on, just about ALL of them.... ARRRRGGGGHHHH! Make it stop! To them it's filler the same way "um" and "like" are to teens, but to me it's a reminder of Dick; LIES ABOUND.


Palin the Provocateur

McSame's supporters say they "don't know enough" about Obama? Try READING a few things, then. Google his name. For christ's sake, he's been running for president for two years...if they don't yet know enough about him it's due to willful ignorance NOT because the facts aren't out there to be discovered. Lazy ignorant lumps. Instead, they're happily allowing Lyin' Palin to define him with LIES.

Bad Guys Per Palin

They did however find time to object to the cover of Newsweek with Palin's mug plastered on it. Too unflattering they say. Awwww. They should have a look at some of Hillary's covers over the years. No, that would take too much effort and they only like their "news" spoon fed by Rush, Hannity and Bill.
Palin Newsweek

The person we TRULY don't know enough about due to her Dick-like secrecy is Palin herself! There are people who actually think she's qualified to run for vice president. They CLEARLY don't have any of the facts.

Palin abused power
...what a surprise.
The bipartisan Legislative Council, which commissioned the investigation after Monegan was fired, unanimously adopted the 263-page public report after a marathon executive session Friday.

She can't wait to go before the personnel board that SHE appointed. Dick must be smirking in his bunker. She fits right in.
Nothing Unethical

Ethics violation

Troopergate Report: Palin "Unlawfully Abused Her Authority"

Palin abused power...let's get real.

As the governor left her hotel around 8:30 this morning to board her idling campaign bus, NBC’s Matthew Berger asked, "Governor, did you abuse your power?"

Ms. Palin paused at the entrance to the bus and shouted back a response, which was picked up by a boom microphone:"No, and if you read the report you’ll see that there was nothing unlawful or unethical about replacing a cabinet member. You gotta read the report, sir."

Chief Monegan speaks out.
Palin initially denied that she or anyone in her administration had ever pressured Monegan to fire the trooper, but this summer acknowledged more than a half a dozen contacts over the matter, including one phone call from a Palin administration official to a state police lieutenant. The call was recorded and was released by Palin's office this month. Todd Palin told a television reporter in Alaska that he did meet with Monegan, but said he was just "informing" Monegan about the issue, not exerting pressure. "She never directly asked me to fire him," Monegan said.

But he said Todd Palin told him Wooten "shouldn't be a trooper. I've tried to explain to him, you can't head hunt like this. What you need to do is back off, because if the trooper does make a mistake, and it is a terminable offense, it can look like political interference."I think he's emotionally committed in trying to see that his former brother-in-law is punished."
The allegation against Palin, "undercuts one of the points they are making that she is an ethical reformer," said Democratic state Sen. Hollis French, who is managing a $100,000 investigation into the firing of Walter Monegan.

Palin Administration "Shockingly Amateurish"
...the Branchflower report still makes for good reading, if only because it convincingly answers a question nobody had even thought to ask: Is the Palin administration shockingly amateurish? Yes, it is. Disturbingly so.
Over at "Time" they're misunderestimating Palin and the folks who work for the McSame campaign. Amateurish sounds so innocent and cuddly. She's a lot colder and far more calculating than that. The last time a candidate for office in our White House was underestimated we ended up with eight years of the worst presidency and vice presidency in our history. Up there in the wilderness of Alaska Palin didn't need to be quite so diligent about covering her tracks, or her husband's tracks, but she's a quick study and appears to have her bases covered in more ways than one.

Further proof:
Palin booed at hockey game
Palin dressed Piper in a hockey jersey in an attempt to deflect the booing she reckoned she'd get. She was right about people booing her. What a helluva parent she is.
The GOP Vice-Presidential nominee said at an earlier fundraiser that she would stop some of the booing from the rowdy Philadelphia fans by putting her seven year old daughter, Piper in a Flyers jersey. She said, "How dare they boo Piper!"
They booed, the music was pumped up...her rotten plan worked. What a way to treat her children, as props.
Prop Child Piper Palin

For commenter, Larry, thank you!
I appreciate your eyewitness account.

Palin fits right in with the current lying White House thugs. People booed her, yet the MSM spun a cover up. This time they're spinning a puck instead of Dick and Dubya's booed balls.

Bush Booed but MSM said it was "equal" cheering and booing. Not true per eyewitnesses. On MSNBC at the time, Matthews displayed his continued man crush on Bush, "[He] has a lot of guts"... "all politicians get booed".
March 31, 2008
Bush Booed

April 11, 2006, Dick was booed loudly.
Dick Booed


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bully, McSame, Bully!

Bully and the Barracudas Smash and Burn:
Palin McCain Cudastration
McCain said today, "I don't need lessons about telling the truth to the American people. If I ever do need any improvement in that regard, I probably wouldn't seek advice from a Chicago politician." Okay, how about from me, then? I'm interested in FACTS, but I'm neither from Chicago nor a politician. Let the lessons begin!

Cindy unleashed her selective memory: "The day that Senator Obama decided to cast a vote to not fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body,"

How strange that the ONLY Nay vote related to troop funding cast by Obama (due to no withdrawal timeline) caused Cindy to feel a cold chill but the MANY Nay (or NV) votes cast by her testy forgetful husband Crash McCain left her body presumably feeling warm and fuzzy.*

Troop Funding:

March 14, 2006. McCain voted Nay, Obama Yea.
Statement of Purpose: To increase Veterans medical services funding by $1.5 billion in FY 2007 to be paid for by closing corporate tax loopholes.

April 26, 2006. McCain voted Nay, Obama Yea.
Statement of Purpose: To provide an additional $430,000,000 for the Department of Veteran Affairs for Medical Services for outpatient care and treatment for veterans.

March 29, 2007.McCain voted Nay, Obama Yea.
Measure Title: A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes.

April 26, 2007.McCain Not Voting, Obama Yea
Measure Title: A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes.

May 24, 2007.Obama voted Nay, McCain Yea.
Measure Title: Making emergency supplemental appropriations and additional supplemental appropriations for agricultural and other emergency assistance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes.

September 19, 2008. McCain voted Nay, Obama Yea.
Statement of Purpose:To specify minimum periods between deployment of units and members of the Armed Forces deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Cindy also hurled: Barack Obama's campaign 'dirtiest' ever, Cindy McCain charges. There have been several truly dirty smear campaigns; Bush 2000, Bush 2004, for example. The Bush 2000 lying viciousness campaign hurt John McCain, Cindy McCain and their children so badly and effectively that he's hired the same Bushite operatives, e.g. Tucker Eskew, to do unto Obama what was done unto him. Even Rove has advised McCain not to tweak his ads too much. That Karl, he's so helpful.
Poor Cindy. She's taking "mean" lessons from the Barracuda but she's just not up to it. Palin really LIKES smashlips smearing; from her Pastor Muthee de-witched "soul" to her red pumps she clearly feels right at home telling whoppers with her choppers bared. Cindy the heiress? Not so much. She much prefers playing dress-up and wearing lipstick, not smearing it. First ladies aren't meant to be attack units, that's a job for a mutt like sneerin' Sarah.
Barracuda Express
Palin said Obama was "lecturing" McCain "on the stakes" of war. "May I remind Senator Obama, Senator McCain served our nation in uniform for 22 years," -Palin. Who the hell could possibly FORGET since it's constantly brought up by McSame and his surrogates? We KNOW already. We PAY him 100% disability, plus all his health care, what more do we have to do to pay him back for his service? We know also that he crashed four of our planes before recklessly hot dogging his way into being shot down by a SAM. It sure didn't help Gore or Kerry against George AWOL TANG Bush and Deferment Dick to have served in Vietnam...funny how that has worked in the "Liberal media" to the advantage of GOP candidates only.

*I'm only posting a few votes as examples, there are many, many more Nay and NV (missed votes) on troop funding and the Iraq War itself, my friends. Google is your friend. John McCain is NOT a friend to our troops and veterans. For him to claim otherwise is an outright LIE. I don't need lessons in telling the truth...from an Arizona politician.


Monday, October 06, 2008

Shrill, Baby, Shrill!

Can I Call Ya Joe?
During the VP debate Palin appeared beamingly confident as any good pageant contestant must if they hope to win. She didn't writhe on the ground behind her podium nor talk in tongues so it's a win-win to McSame advisers and fans. The De-Bait worked in rightwingistan. She gave them what they wanted: rigidity; her strong suit. She sure didn't answer any questions, choosing instead to rapid-fire her rehearsed TPs, rat-a-tat-tat, ignoring the polite non-assertive non-followup Gwen Ifill and speaking directly into the red light of the camera. Winkin' and-a smirkin' and-a snottin' up the TV screen. That's not debate. That's a canned speech by an assortment of Bush speech writers. Expectations were so very low that not "screwing up" equals success. She's got the arrogance down...but it's over the top it's beyond her already plastic self. It was snide distortion with no answers just unfounded attacks against Senator Obama and untruths about McCain's voting record...he of the 95% support to the Bush/Cheney agenda of war, torture and robbing us blind. The winks she gave to the camera were disgustingly fake and inappropriate. The "lingo" of a supposed "Main Street" nature was heavily condescending. Her mean-spirited nature came shinin' through.

More Power Palin
Sarah thinks the Vice President should have even more power over Congress? More Dick Power? That special fourth branch of the government that Cheney has invented to place himself above the law? Executive privilege with which she agrees, and has used when she could from the Alaska Governor's office. That's not a woman I can trust. Ever. No more than I trust Dick. Her gender isn't relevant, her cold calculatin' heart is. It's the hypocrisy, stupid.

One Man, One Woman

She's Dubya and Dick in heels with thicker ankles. She claims to be "tolerant" but hasn't an ounce of empathy/sympathy for anyone outside her own circle of cronies, family and friends. She demonstrated her lack of compassion when Joe Biden choked up while referring to the deaths of his wife and daughter, his injured son... Sarah didn't blink. She went on about how fabulous McCain is. She missed a huge PR opportunity to at least FEIGN concern over Senator Biden's heartbreaking losses. Say it ain't so, say she's not seriously up for consideration to be a heartbeat away from the pResidency of the United States...but she is.

Don't cross her ex-brother-in-law trooper found out the hard way. Sarah and First Dude take no prisoners. They hold grudges and get revenge, you betcha. Yes, she's a lot like Bush/Dick, and McSame, supposedly religious but vindictive as Hell. Say one thing, do another; it's the GOP way; judging and controlling others while having no control over their much darker secretive sides, hence the need for "laws" to hold them back. Live and Let Live isn't in their repertoire.

Jesus First

Palin-the-Pure, "I am pro-life and I believe that marriage should only be between one man and one woman." Does that include trading in one wife for a newer model like John McDivorced? Or teen shotgun weddings? She's punitive and petty. She cut funding to halfway houses for pregnant teens from an enormously swollen budget at the same time as her own daughter was getting pregnant. Her choice was to cut choices for teens in trouble. She believes in making it illegal for women/girls to have abortions, couched in the "it's a state matter" rhetoric. Her hypocrisy as a Creationist with no physiology education, no understanding of biology, her own out of wedlock pregnancy with her first son and her daughter's out of wedlock pregnancy give her even less right to express an opinion on other unwed mothers. To cut their funding was unconscionable for a woman who claims to love the unborn. Judge not, lest ye... she should know better but Theocrats rarely have logical minds.
Theocracy First

Joe Sixpack, if he falls for this who would you rather have a beer or shoot a moose with bullshit deserves all that's headed right up his ignorant ass. Any REAL hockey mom would check Palin against the boards and tell her to stop cheating, quit lying, and stop making women look bad.

In a sleazy desperate low blow to rival all low blows, Ms. Televangelist claims Obama chooses to "pal around with terrorists". The screened audience of fans cheered and/or booed in the right places as if they already knew what was coming.
"Okay, so Florida, you know that you're going to have to hang onto your hats," Sarah Palin told a rally of a few thousand here this morning, "because from now until Election Day it may get kind of rough."
"Now it turns out, one of his [Obama's] earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers," Palin said. "Boooo!" said the crowd.

"And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'" she continued. "Boooo!" the crowd repeated.
"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

Kill him? In the name of God, perhaps? Is that person in prison now for making threats? For inciting others? It's similar to rabid fetus-first maniacs who blow up clinics, threaten and kill doctors, nurses, patients.... inciting people to kill others in the name of saving lives? I thought that was illegal. Had that man yelled such a thing about a Republican one wonders where he would have spent the night. Rough? As in reminiscent of Lee Atwater? Filthy, disgusting, lying, low sleazy politics, the kind of politics practiced so very well by Rove. Never ever underestimate Rove. It ain't over 'til it's over. There are still votes to be "counted" and John Bolton's available to stop the count. Fredo's available too, as are many more "Brooks Brothers Miami Rioters" needed. Rough? The understatement to end them all uttered by a vicious woman in heels and lipstick. The crowd/mob forgot to chant, "USA, USA, USA!" and "Drill, baby, Drill!" The bot cheerleaders slacked off while they planted their seeds of hatred.

Lying Barracuda from hell...
"Our opponent is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country," Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said about Obama on the stump this past weekend.

GOP Paws

Sarah the Snake has impressed other right wing women.
Lynne Cheney said,
"I was really stunned when John McCain picked her," Cheney said of Palin, who she says she has met once. "But then I saw her at the convention. That speech she delivered, honestly, I've seen a lot of politicians, I've seen a lot of people who are very polished, who do their thing just right. But what she has is that air of 'This is who I am.' The authenticity comes through."

Lynne sure has seen "polished politicians", she's seen Dick's slick pate up-close-and-personal for decades, one of the most polished and sinister politicians ever hatched, but gasp, have Dick and Karl left Lynne out of the loop? Surely she knew Palin was a "political choice", Rove said so. Lynne Cheney is the ultimate non-elected insider. She was, after all, in the bunker on 9/11 with Dick while he made "decisions" as AWOL boy headed "out of harm's way". For such transparent folks it's interesting to note Dick has barely made a ripple publicly for weeks, months. His last trip to Dubai? reveals a limited public schedule but often near intended pipelines. Mr. Secrecy remains undercover. We pay his salary, his warmongering profits, all his major health care, yet we have no idea what he's up to most of the time. If you will. (Every time I hear "If you will" I think of Dick selling neocon wars to particular the attack on Iraq...with "gravitas". He abused that phrase as filler so often I'll aways think of him when I hear rhymes with swill., if you will.)

Right, one "authentic" woman commenting on another? Perhaps Palin too writes porn in her spare time. The delivered convention propaganda was written by Bush speech writer Matthew Scully before he knew who McCain's veep choice would be. It was a formulaic speech meant to attack all Democrats. Palin brought the lipstick and attitude. A very nasty attitude for such a supposedly religious woman whose youth was filled with "gittin' saved" at Wasilla Assembly of God Church. "To Know Him and to Make Him Known"... even to the unwilling.
