Reporter Bitten by Barney
A White House reporter, captured on April Ryan's phone video camera, (whose name I know but refuse to report until he learns to say, "I was bitten" instead of "I got bit") is darned lucky it wasn't Miss Beazley instead who is perpetually "napping" due to her bad moods and sharp teeth. I can't repeat his name as it maligns other "journalists", some of whom asked, "You got bit?" Arrgghhh. If I were Barn or Beaz I'd be the White House Grammar Police K-9s and having a rollicking good time making incisive points.

If you stuff your finger into a dog's mouth there's a 50/50 chance said canine will bite at the intrusion. The reporter who was bitten by Barney today should have known Barn's reputation: He bites. He's KNOWN for biting. He's not allowed around people who tour the White House because he has bitten a few of them before. Any dog worth his or her salt would become a chomping machine if trapped around the Bushes. Barney is bitter. Too bad he can't talk.

Yet, this young guy tried to pet the beleaguered Barney and ended up getting his finger bitten. He's lucky to still have an arm. A dog can't be around George Bush all the time and not want to MAUL people. Bush carries him as a prop in a virtual head/body lock so he can't whip around and bite the shit out of him.
Lenny Bush:

If Dick knew about these two they'd already have been sent to Gitmo, waterboarded, tied upside down for hours upon hours until they confessed.

Barney has had it. Looks to me as if the guy was threatening to poke his eye out..hahaha

Dubya once said he didn't care if the only ones supporting him on his Iraq war agenda were Laura and Barney...under duress?

Miss Beazley being assaulted by Pickles Bush in August of 2006:

We can always rely on Youtube.'s funny every single time.
Go, Barney, Go!
There are limits, even for man's best friend.

The consensus on Bush....THE worst, EVER.

An early Christmas present idea for the outgoing misadministration:WPE shirts from Bartcop. Stocking stuffers to remind them of all the people out here hunting for jobs.

Supposedly, Bush's "approval" rating has dropped to 20%.
That seems incredibly high to me and I recall it having gone as low as 19% last year, also unbelievably high. It should be 1%...the same percentage of obscenely wealthy warmongering swine who will always support the Unitary Excecutive Fascists who get richer and richer while the rest of us get poorer. (Dick's should be 0% ever since he was Chief of Staff to Ford and they pardoned Nixon.)

Rumors are floating about that the Chimp plans (like Turdblossom) to write his "life story". (Theft and Murder for Dummies?) How can a barely functioning illiterate write his autobiography? He has said, "I'm not that good at pronouncing words"...he's not good at using words in any way shape or form and can't read hisscripts speeches aloud. Yet we're supposed to believe he can write a book? Then again, perhaps I'm misunderstimating him since he's so good at lying and re-writing current events as well as history. Maybe Barney can type.

If you stuff your finger into a dog's mouth there's a 50/50 chance said canine will bite at the intrusion. The reporter who was bitten by Barney today should have known Barn's reputation: He bites. He's KNOWN for biting. He's not allowed around people who tour the White House because he has bitten a few of them before. Any dog worth his or her salt would become a chomping machine if trapped around the Bushes. Barney is bitter. Too bad he can't talk.

Yet, this young guy tried to pet the beleaguered Barney and ended up getting his finger bitten. He's lucky to still have an arm. A dog can't be around George Bush all the time and not want to MAUL people. Bush carries him as a prop in a virtual head/body lock so he can't whip around and bite the shit out of him.
Lenny Bush:

If Dick knew about these two they'd already have been sent to Gitmo, waterboarded, tied upside down for hours upon hours until they confessed.

Barney has had it. Looks to me as if the guy was threatening to poke his eye out..hahaha

Dubya once said he didn't care if the only ones supporting him on his Iraq war agenda were Laura and Barney...under duress?

Miss Beazley being assaulted by Pickles Bush in August of 2006:

We can always rely on Youtube.'s funny every single time.
Go, Barney, Go!
There are limits, even for man's best friend.

The consensus on Bush....THE worst, EVER.

An early Christmas present idea for the outgoing misadministration:WPE shirts from Bartcop. Stocking stuffers to remind them of all the people out here hunting for jobs.

Supposedly, Bush's "approval" rating has dropped to 20%.
That seems incredibly high to me and I recall it having gone as low as 19% last year, also unbelievably high. It should be 1%...the same percentage of obscenely wealthy warmongering swine who will always support the Unitary Excecutive Fascists who get richer and richer while the rest of us get poorer. (Dick's should be 0% ever since he was Chief of Staff to Ford and they pardoned Nixon.)

Rumors are floating about that the Chimp plans (like Turdblossom) to write his "life story". (Theft and Murder for Dummies?) How can a barely functioning illiterate write his autobiography? He has said, "I'm not that good at pronouncing words"...he's not good at using words in any way shape or form and can't read his
