Pickles and Jenna Do Africa

The African Operation Twin Image Makeover™ kept Jenna out of trouble. The nice ladies bore gifts, mosquito nets to stop Malaria. Any condoms in that care package? Any non faith-based real help and education? It's lovely to appear magnanimous and caring by bringing some small pittance of assistance to Africa but Laura's husband's theocratic rule will only bring more misery to the rest of the world. One step forward with nets, fifty steps backwards for birth control assistance.
Here, have some nets.

Pickles promotes faith and corporations move in to take control.
Laura Bush toured the Zambian capital of Lusaka Thursday as part of a four-nation swing through Africa, visiting a unique U.S.-funded project that taps a network of 12,000 Zambian HIV/AIDS volunteers to distribute mosquito nets designed to fight another major challenge: malaria.
But the $2.5 million program is also unique in another way — half of it is being funded by American corporations, including Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson and the NBA.
Jenna in a classroom, how sweet.

Laura Bush highlighted the importance and potential of mobilizing communities of faith to change their behavior and save lives. "Faith communities exist in every village in the country; therefore, faith leaders can reach their members and impact their attitudes and behavior related to malaria," she remarked.
Protected Pickles.

This five-year program has one goal: eliminating malaria in Africa. Working with Zambia's national malaria-control program, the President's Malaria Initiative will help conduct indoor residual spraying, provide life-saving bed nets and medicines, and treat pregnant women who are especially vulnerable to this disease.
Because of these partnerships, there's now great optimism to the challenge of HIV/AIDS. And one of the greatest sources of hope is the compassion of people of faith. In the United States and around the world, I've seen how houses of worship inspire volunteers with their messages of charity and hope. Millions of people have heard these messages, and they're putting their faith into practice across the continent of Africa. They've recognized that the private sector must play a role in these historic efforts.
U.S. taxpayer money funneled through corporate and faith-based private sector "help" to Africa for Malaria and HIV. What they need is more health care workers and Planned Parenthood not a religious lecture on hope and prayer.
Sex Ed by Pickles.

AP says, Africa "cherishes" America.
A look at the Global Unease With Major World Powers clearly shows AP's selective interpretation.
Anti-Americanism is extensive, as it has been for the past five years.

Update: Forget the former party girl, Jenna's makeover has gone into orbit.
She's putting out a book...with pictures of course. Ahhhh, now we see the bigger reason for the Photo Ops. Book sales and respectability.
Jenna Bush, in a rare interview, says her forthcoming book for teens — about a 17-year-old single mother in Panama who is living with HIV — will end with a "call to action."
HarperCollins announces today that it's publishing Bush's Ana's Story:A Journey of Hope this fall. It will be illustrated with photographs by Mia Baxter, a former classmate of Bush's at the University of Texas.
The president's daughter, 25, says the book is not political. It's aimed at "getting kids thinking and involved," Bush said Monday by phone from Panama, where she has worked since September as an unpaid intern for UNICEF.
She didn't have to travel to Panama to find people in poverty suffering from HIV. There are many right here in the U.S. and they have no health insurance. But then, she'd have to talk to Americans who know her family's track record.