Not a Good Year
For me personally ...more to follow as the pain surfaces and changes. Three months of raw. Hard to know where to begin....there is no end.
On a more cheerful note:
But President Obama is making headway despite "correspondent" Todd's insistence on MSNBC that every single speech even in Germany is a "campaign" stop. Fuck off Chuck! And if I hear "rock star" one more time I'll retch. Keith and Rachel are the only two I can tolerate if I'm able to bear the box for a few minutes. Mostly not. Lately...not much political...except local and personal.
Gotta have a pic....yeah, I know, it never happened.

But THIS DID HAPPEN in an interview in Vanity Fair by the obsequious Peggy Noonan....the Bushes really said these things about 9/11 WHICH HAPPENED ON GEORGE AND DICK'S WATCH BY IGNORING THE INTEL....(Richard Clarke)

The entire Bush family and all associates belong in jail. Being the canary in the fucking mineshaft has been damned exhausting. Mindshaft.

Aside factoid: As of now, 13,000 people have looked at my profile and blogger's counters broke. Strange. I know I have only a handful of readers. (Mebbe they's checkin' fer butt ugly per anonymous in his delightful comments.)
I Won't Back Down
On a more cheerful note:
But President Obama is making headway despite "correspondent" Todd's insistence on MSNBC that every single speech even in Germany is a "campaign" stop. Fuck off Chuck! And if I hear "rock star" one more time I'll retch. Keith and Rachel are the only two I can tolerate if I'm able to bear the box for a few minutes. Mostly not. Lately...not much political...except local and personal.
Gotta have a pic....yeah, I know, it never happened.

But THIS DID HAPPEN in an interview in Vanity Fair by the obsequious Peggy Noonan....the Bushes really said these things about 9/11 WHICH HAPPENED ON GEORGE AND DICK'S WATCH BY IGNORING THE INTEL....(Richard Clarke)

The entire Bush family and all associates belong in jail. Being the canary in the fucking mineshaft has been damned exhausting. Mindshaft.

Aside factoid: As of now, 13,000 people have looked at my profile and blogger's counters broke. Strange. I know I have only a handful of readers. (Mebbe they's checkin' fer butt ugly per anonymous in his delightful comments.)
I Won't Back Down