Saturday, May 30, 2009

War Criminals, Inc.

As you read the "techniques" deemed just fine and "legal" by Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush for use by OUR CIA and/or contracted interrogators, please try to imagine for just one moment the ramifications had any or all of these "techniques" been used on even ONE of OUR troops or OUR personnel. Our shocked and justifiable outrage would have lead to arrests, trials, lengthy prison terms, and possibly death by hanging as was the fate of the Nazis and the Japanese for torturing other human beings. Whether or not these men at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib were/are innocent or actual terrorists hasn't been determined as they STILL haven't been given due justice whatsoever has been administered, they have yet to be PROVEN terrorists. In this country we are INNOCENT unless PROVEN guilty. Not so for the detainees we hold worldwide. They have been labeled guilty by the fact that we arrested them. The burden of proof is on THEM to prove whether or not they're guilty of anything. Even if they ARE the most vile killers on the planet, torturing them is NOT okay. Why even HAVE the Geneva Convention if we have no intention of adhering to them.
And lookee here at who changed his mind since Bush isn't his Commander Guy anymore:
Gen. Petraeus: US violated Geneva Convention, the court of law could try terrorists: we made mistakes after 9/11: Close Gitmo
(Via Crooks and Liars)

Too bad he didn't say all of this to Bush instead of kissing his ass. What a self-serving tool. Bush used him and he used him right back.

Refurbish Alcatraz, new jobs for a big project and there's no way to escape. In fact nobody has ever escaped from a maximum security prison in the U.S. It's not as if Obama wants to turn them loose on Main Street USA to ticker tape parades. Gitmo prisoners? Hardin, Montana wants them

On Capitol Hill, politicians are dead-set against transferring some of the world's most feared terrorists from Guantanamo to prisons on U.S. soil. But at City Hall in this impoverished town on the Northern Plains, the attitude is: Bring 'em on.

Hardin, a dusty town of 3,400 people so desperate that it built a $27 million jail a couple of years ago in the vain hope it would be a moneymaker, is offering to house hundreds of Gitmo detainees at the brand-new, never-used institution.

And yes, Bush said, "Bring 'em on!" not "Bring IT on" as I see misquoted so often. A small complaint but yet another example of the truth being irrelevant to "reporters" and their "audiences" of misinformed sheep.

The real terrorists who blew up the WTC were all Saudis. The men imprisoned in Gitmo are Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Canadians, etc. 240+ of them, and surely some of them just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have zero sympathy for terrorists from ANY country, none at all but to lower ourselves to their level goes against everything upon which this country was founded. We have become that which we claim we detest, torturers and terrorists, in the name of God, per the memos sent to Bush by Rumsfeld. A Crusade. With God on our side....Donny knew exactly how to "play" Bush the moron and inflict Dominionism on our troops. More exposure of Dept. of Defense grotesque Christianism. Rumsfeld played to Bush's limited knowledge of "The Bible" in all his briefing cover pages.
MRFF's Response to Rumsfeld Crusade Memos: We Told You So! Onward Christian Soldiers, Slideshow of Rummy's top secret cover pages.

We were NOT founded as a Christian nation as some rabid religious nutjobs claim, but a secular one. Separation of Church and State is clear. Bush said, "God Told Me to Invade Iraq"...."in God's name" or his "higher father" as he has referred to the voices in his head. Perhaps he'll just go for the criminally insane defense. "I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."

Don, Dick, Dubya, Fredo, Yoo, and all of their accomplices MUST be held accountable or we can never again claim to be better than the most savage of terrorists whom we supposedly abhor. This country, once the salvation for so many, this country founded upon liberty, justice, the pursuit of happiness, and freedom from religion has shamed itself via the worst administration in our history by the most cruel people to ever occupy our White House. In God's name. For oil and revenge. I'm ashamed of the actions of our "government" and how easily they got away with it far. I personally INSIST that they should be arrested, tried, and put into prison where they can't hurt anyone else ever again....the entire administration. The truth is the ONLY solution to this ethical and moral violation of the international laws on torture. Accountability and responsibility, trials and jail time, our only hope for redemption.

I can't say this often enough....9/11 happened on Bush's watch. He ignored the intelligence provided to him regarding Bin Laden's plan to attack the United States. It was made perfectly clear back in August of 2001 during one of his lengthy vacations at his fake ranch. "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" (August 6, 2001 transcript.) He DELIBERATELY ignored it...almost as if he didn't care one way or the other if Bin Laden succeeded or not. Post 9/11, stunned Americans understandably livid, enraged, out for blood, attacked Afghanistan to "find" Bin Laden. "Dead or alive", said Cowboy Bush. That wasn't good enough for PNAC which had already announced their plans to attack Iraq as far back as 1998.

Golly, "No One Could Have Anticipated’ Terrorists Flying Planes Into Buildings Before 9/11". In fact, intelligence analysts had been warning for some time that terrorists could hijack planes. On December 4, 1998, for example, the Clinton administration received a President’s Daily Brief entitled “Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks.” The Clinton administration responded by convening its top counter terrorism experts and heightening security at airports around the nation. The whitewashing 9/11 Commission gave us no answers, just more questions. September 11 Coverup. Bush Junta Suppressing Last Chapter of the 911 Commission Report, October 30, 2004. (Well worth reading for those interested in facts.) They waited until AFTER the election.
Moreover, the Federal Aviation Administration “had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon,” and in 2001 it distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking.

In response to that threat warning, the Bush administration did nothing. The 9/11 Commission reports, “We have found no indication of any further discussion before September 11 among the President and his top advisers of the possibility of a threat of an AL Qaeda attack in the United States.”

What an utter load of codswallop that 9/11 White House Whitewash Commission truly was. Every American should be enraged at having been so blatantly lied to. Condi's version, "I mean, no one could have anticipated that kind of attack — or very few people." Right, just about anyone who watches movies, reads books, the newspapers...those "very few" millions of us? And of course, there's Richard Clarke's book, for those of you who read it, Against All Enemies. Dick and Un-Curious George chose to ignore ALL intelligence that didn't suit their goals.

The upshot, Dick got his precious pipeline but wasn't finished there. He and Georgie the frog-blower-upper and red hot coat hanger burner of pledges , (he enjoyed it) hurt and tortured people to get "anything" to make a connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein to justify attacking Iraq and taking their oil. Bush LIKES to destroy All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful: The Lord God made them all, even much for George's "religious" side.

In 1967, the Yale Daily News exposed the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity's penchant for branding pledges with red hot wire hangers. The New York Times picked up the story, which featured a former president of the frat, one George W. Bush, dismissing the resulting "insignificant" wound as "only a cigarette burn" that leaves "no scarring mark, physically or mentally." So, Bush's first quote in the national press was a defense of torture.

Did Bar burn him with cigarettes, is that why he knows that nasty little piece of information? Ma Bush is as nasty a piece of work as her son. What a classless old broad, she said of Hillary Clinton, "Rhymes with witch" and is still portrayed as the doting old grandmother and matriarch of that den of snakes.

Keeping in mind that the Bushites had already tried negotiating (and failed) with KNOWN terrorists, the Taliban, to build a pipeline across Afghanistan, "A carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs", when the Taliban refused to cooperate, suddenly Saudi Arabians decided it was a perfect time to attack the United States. Dick must have REALLY pissed them off. Bin Laden ultimately got what he had demanded all along, the removal of U.S. bases from Saudi soil, and the destruction of the Constitution of the United States of America. And where is he, by the way? Dead or alive? Dick and George have CREATED terrorists who, if they didn't already hate us and our "freedoms" when scooped up and put in our detention camps, sure as hell now detest us. The pictures from Abu Ghraib were the ultimate recruitment posters. We destroyed Iraq, ruined their economy, decimated their workforce, supported killing sprees between Shiites and Sunnis...and left many idle young men without any means of making a living to fester and turn their hatred our way. But the Bushites refused to talk with Saddam (this time) and kicked out Hans Blix and his team hunting for the illusionary WMDs from Iraq, telling them they'd get bombed if they didn't exit post haste prior to the scheduled "Shock and Awe" TV show from hell. Rumsfeld had no problem chatting up Saddam when he SOLD military helicopters to Iraq.

Donny and Saddam

Dick and Don, having learned their lessons well from Watergate made sure that everything they did was technically "legal" and forced their Patriot Act down Congress' throats before anyone had a chance to read it. (Akin to Hitler's Enabling Act of 1933 following the Reichstag Fire.) "You're either with us or with the terrorists" and your plane might crash or you might receive Anthrax in the mail or simply be told to "Go fuck yourself" by a rabid mentally ill man from hell. If we the people and our Congress didn't go along with all of Dick's plans, FOR SURE WE'D BE ATTACKED AGAIN. How Dick could be so certain about that is still a mystery.
His main thrust while campaigning for "re-election" in 2004 was that Democrats would get us all killed. He and his daughter are still out there on the airwaves stating that Obama is "un-American" and has made America "less safe"...and they're being given airtime whenever they want it to spout the TPs already approved by the RNC. No challenges on the veracity of the memos whatsoever from the corporate owned media, not until today was a dissenting voice raised from Senator Levin who has also read the famous "memos" Dick wants released that "prove" he saved us from further attacks by torturing people into saying what he wanted them to say. Dick's "release the classified memos" hue and cry is very selective. Why not just release all of it Dick...we can handle the truth, something anathema to you. Unless, like his daily logs they've been scrubbed, along with all of Karl's emails. And of course, after feeble protests, John Warner and John McCain gave George the power to overlook the Geneva Conventions if he felt like it. The Decider, Commander Guy got to choose who got tortured. And let's NEVER forget that the GOP ruled Congress for twelve years, including the first six of Dick's George's illegal occupation of our White House. And the last two years while there were more Democrats in the House and Senate, FAR too many of them are DINOs. Or spineless, or both.
Liz Cheney will indeed run for political office, her loyalty to daddy will not go unrewarded. Another dynastic move by a member of the Bush administrations. Surely Senator Levin knows what danger he's now small plane flights, plenty of bodyguards and food tasters...I'd recommend he keeps copious notes as did Senator Bob Graham. Nancy Pelosi on the other hand sent a staffer to be briefed by the CIA which is incomprehensible to me. She apparently didn't really want to know the truth. Once she "took impeachment off the table" she lost all my respect. How fucking DARE she shut the door on impeachment. She's bungling this situation too in her usual over-surgically wide-eyed blinkitude, interjecting her large veneers in a pretend smile, akin to a grimace, while saying nothing and/or contradicting herself. She should have immediately said, "Wait a cotton pickin' minute, knock off the lying diversionary bullshit! Who DID the damned torturing? Not I!" But she's too "polite" for that or worst case scenario, she DID know what they were doing and didn't stop it by going public and having some spine. She's currently in China. Now the question is "What did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it?" instead of when did Bush and Dick start torturing people and how many detention centers do we really have worldwide where there is no law, no justice, only torture. Whatever happened to "rule of law" where the Bush team is concerned? The GOP plan to make the Democratic Party equally culpable is going well. As long as Democrats don't fight back against the charge that they too were guilty of torturing detainees, we'll be lumped in with the REAL torturers, the Bush/Cheney monsters. One can't help but wonder about all that FISA wiretapping and the results produced in terms of "having" something on Democrats. The only wiretapping of Americans I seem to have heard of are Democrats and their sexual exploits. Were any Republicans wiretapped making their heinous monetary deals that screwed most Americans, or any of their secret chats about making the Department of Justice work only for the GOP, or insider trading by big wheels in the GOP to make more campaign funds for each other. No, just a Democrat, the hirsute Governor Blago, apparently Republicans never made a phone call that couldn't withstand public scrutiny while Democrats were always up to no good. I'm still enraged at the DINOs who voted FOR wiretapping American citizens. They betrayed us and our Constitution yet again.
I'm still pissed off over FISA and the DINOs who voted to make eavesdropping on ALL of us "legal" for Dick and his pals.

House DINOs for wiretapping Americans:

Senate DINOs for wiretapping Americans:
Warrantless Wiretapping Democrats

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was Waterboarded 183 Times in One Month

According to the May 30, 2005 Bradbury memo, (PDF) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in March 2003 and Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in August 2002.

I'm not reprinting the entire 40 page PDF memo even though things sometimes disappear down the memory hole if they're inconvenient. Instead, the Jay S Bybee memo (below) which is proof enough even for those who refuse to believe that George Bush KNEW these torture techniques were going to be or had been used and had the "blessing" of the U.S. Department of Justice... his "loyal Bushies" justice department employees. Ashcroft wasn't quite as loyal as he needed to be, hence good pal, Fredo was relied upon as legal counsel to Bush for torture purposes as it appears Ashcroft balked one time too many until replaced by Gonzo for Bush's second "term" as his Attorney General. A position for which he wasn't qualified in ANY way.
Gonzales totally corrupted our Justice Department. His claim to fame, good buddy of George who "hid" George's criminal records for DUIs, cocaine use and the "time" he served while being AWOL from his TANG unit. His "time" was in the form of doing political work (badly and lazily just like he does everything) instead of going to jail. No wonder George loved Fredo so much. A former real estate lawyer, Gonzo covered up George's crimes just in time for the 2000 "election" that was decided by the Supreme Court and NOT the people.

From insects to waterboarding: 10 'torture' techniques blessed by Bush
From Times Online, April, 2009:

In this August 1, 2002 memo, Jay S Bybee of the US Department of Justice approves ten methods of "enhanced interrogation" on the suspected terrorist Abu Zubaydah. He was writing to John Rizzo, CIA acting general counsel
These ten techniques are: (l) attention grasp, (2) walling, (3) facial hold, (4) facial slap (insult slap), (5) cramped confinement, (6) wall standing, (7) stress positions, (8) sleep deprivation, (9) insects placed in a confinement box, and (10) the waterboard.

You have informed us that the use of these techniques would be on an as-needed basis and that not all of these techniques will necessarily be used.

The interrogation team would use these techniques in some combination to convince Zubaydah that the only way he can influence his surrounding environment is through co-operation. You have, however, informed us that you expect these techniques to be used in some sort of escalating fashion, culminating with the waterboard, though not necessarily ending with this technique.

Moreover, you have also orally informed us that although some of these techniques may be used more than once, that repetition will not be substantial because the techniques generally lose their effectiveness after several repetitions.
You have also informed us that Zubaydah sustained a wound during his capture, which is being treated.

Based on the facts you have given us, we understand each of these techniques to be as follows.

Attention grasp

The attention grasp consists of grasping the individual with both hands, one hand on each side of the collar opening, in a controlled and quick motion. In the same motion as the grasp, the individual is drawn toward the interrogator.

Rummy Torturing Liar


For walling, a flexible false wall will be constructed. The individual is placed with his heels touching the wall. The interrogator pulls the individual forward and then quickly and firmly pushes the individual into the wall. It is the individual's shoulder blades that hit the wall.

During this motion, the head and neck are supported with a rolled hood or towel that provides a c-collar effect to help prevent whiplash. To further reduce the probability of injury, the individual is allowed to rebound from the flexible wall. You have orally informed us that the false wall is in part constructed to create a loud sound when the individual hits it, which will further shock or surprise the individual. In part, the idea is to create a sound that will make the impact seem far worse than it is and that will be far worse than any injury that might result from the action.

Facial hold

The facial hold is used to hold the head immobile. One open palm is placed on either side of the individual's face. The fingertips are kept well away from the individual's eyes.

Facial slap

With the facial slap or insult slap, the interrogator slaps the individual's face with fingers slightly spread. The hand makes contact with the area directly between the tip of the individual's chin and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe. The interrogator invades the individual's personal space. The goal of the facial slap is not to inflict physical pain that is severe or lasting. Instead, the purpose of the facial slap is to induce shock, surprise, and/or humiliation.

Cramped confinement

Cramped confinement involves the placement of the individual in a confined space, the dimensions of which restrict the individual's movement. The confined space is usually dark. The duration of confinement varies based upon the size of the container. For the larger confined space, the individual can stand up or sit down; the smaller space is large enough for the subject to sit down. Confinement in the larger space can last up to eighteen hours; for the smaller space, confinement lasts for no more than two hours.

Wall standing

Wall standing is used to induce muscle fatigue. The individual stands about four to five feet from a wall, with his feet spread approximately to shoulder width. His arms are stretched out in front of him, with his fingers resting on the wall. His fingers support all of his body weight. The individual is not permitted to move or reposition his hands or feet.

Stress positions

A variety of stress positions may be used. You have informed us that these positions are not designed to produce the pain associated with contortions or twisting of the body, Rather, somewhat like walling, they are designed to produce the physical discomfort associated with muscle fatigue. Two particular stress positions are likely to be used on Zubaydah: (1) sitting on the floor with legs extended straight out in front of him with his hands raised above his head; and (2) kneeling on the floor while leaning back at a 45 degree angle. You have also orally informed us that through observing Zubaydah in captivity, you have noted that he appears to be quite flexible despite his wound.

Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation may be used. You have indicated that your purpose in using this technique is to reduce the individual's ability to think on his feet and, through the discomfort associated with lack of sleep to motivate him to cooperate. The effect of such sleep deprivation will generally remit after one or two nights of uninterrupted sleep.

You have informed us that your research has revealed that, in rare instances, some individuals who are already predisposed to psychological problems may experience abnormal reactions to sleep deprivation.
Even in those cases, however, reactions abate after the individual is permitted to sleep. Moreover, personnel with medical training are available to and will intervene in the unlikely event of an abnormal reaction. You have orally informed us that you would not deprive Zubaydah of sleep for more than eleven days at a time and that you have previously kept him awake for 72 hours, from which no mental or physical harm resulted.

Confinement with insects

You would like to place Zubaydah in a cramped confinement box with an insect. You have informed us that he appears to have a fear of insects. In particular, you would like to tell Zubaydah that you intend to place a stinging insect into the box with him, You would, however, place a harmless insect in the box. You have orally informed us that you would in fact face a harmless insect such as a caterpillar in the box with him.


Finally, you would like to use a technique called the "waterboard" in this procedure, the individual is bound securely to an inclined bench, which is approximately four feet by seven feet.

The individual's feet are generally elevated. A cloth is placed over the forehead and eyes. Water is then applied to the cloth in a controlled manner. As this is done, the cloth is lowered until it covers both the nose and mouth. Once the cloth is saturated and completely covers the mouth and nose, air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds due to the presence of the cloth. This causes an increase in carbon dioxide level in the individual's blood. This increase in the carbon dioxide level stimulates increased effort to breathe. This effort plus the cloth produces the perception of suffocation and incipient panic," i.e., the perception of drowning.

The individual does not breathe any water into his lungs. During those 20 to 40 seconds, water is continuously applied from a height of twelve to twenty-four inches. After this period, the cloth is lifted, and the individual is allowed to breathe unimpeded for three or four full breaths. The sensation of drowning is immediately relieved by the removal of the cloth. The procedure may then be repeated. The water is usually applied from a canteen cup or small watering can with a spout.

You have orally informed us that this procedure triggers an automatic physiological sensation of drowning that the individual cannot control even though he may be aware that he is in fact not drowning. You have also orally informed us that it is likely that this procedure would not last more than 20 minutes in anyone application.

We also understand that a medical expert with SERE experience will be present throughout this phase and that the procedures will be stopped if deemed medically necessary to prevent severe mental or physical harm to Zubaydah. As mentioned above, Zubaydah suffered an injury during his capture. You have informed us that steps will be taken to ensure that this injury is not in any way exacerbated by the use of these methods and that adequate medical attention will be given to ensure that it will heal properly.

Oh, well, that's all right then, as long as his wounds still heal properly.

Where is the naked guy whose arms are shackled behind him to a wall with women's underwear on his head and where's the part about miscellaneous things shoved up their rectums? I didn't see that written anywhere. And the violation of their religious beliefs? Imagine if somebody tried to take away George's Spaghetti Monster...he'd be livid.
Inside Guantanamo Photo Essay.

The one thing recently that disappointed me is that Obama isn't just letting HIS Attorney General deal with the rule of law here, properly and within the law. Looking forward is one thing, ignoring our atrocious illegal past is another. Backing down on prosecution does us a serious disservice as a nation. For Christ's sake, Dick has admitted he tortured people and Bush just agreed with him. Isn't that grounds to prosecute them despite their protestations that all they did was "legal" and to protect Americans. Lying sacks of shit!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hey, Republicans! STFU!


Dick insists we're less safe, he's on the tubes 24/7 attacking Obama. Unprecedented. Rush the Cystboy Drug Addict harangues everyone to the left of himself. He likes Dick. He likes Bush. He disregards facts. He's an "entertainer" they say, I find him highly unentertaining.
Rush Limbaugh is a rabid radio whore. His horrific opinions need to be kept to himself. He's fat and stupid and filled with hatred.

BTW, how can Dick be "so sure" we'll be "hit again" if we don't torture detainees. What does HE know that WE don't know?

Make Dick's  Day

GOP watch: Powell vs. Rush
“Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion. In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney.”

What gives the disgraced Newt Gingrich the right to espouse one single pompous utterance? Why is he all over the place. Running in 2012? Having an affair with a young staffer while he publicly berated Clinton? Something hypocritical there, and the way he dumped his wife while she fought cancer...nice. On wife #3, $300,000 ethics violation fine. Resigned as speaker. And we care what he says now because.......?
"In discussing the future of the Republican Party on NBC’s 'Meet the Press' on Sunday, former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) sounded almost like a candidate for president building a platform for the 2012 election," Roll Call writes. "But Gingrich said he would not even decide on a 2012 White House bid until 2011."

video of ethics violator Newt the irrelevant
. (Damn you MSNBC for the commercials)
Keep Gitmo open until "the war is over" he says. We've got plenty of terrifying religious zealots already right here in the U.S. Fix up and reopen Alcatraz but shut Gitmo DOWN. Shut up Newt...."the president made a very big mistake" dare you, asshole. Spouting Dick's TPs. Fear, fear, fear, fear.


We only waterboarded three get an Iraq/9/11 connection. Dick you are a lying vindictive, cruel, asshole of a poor excuse for a man.

Did Not Torture


GOP Supreme Court Obstructionists

It wouldn't have mattered who Obama nominated to take Souter's place on the Supreme Court. The GOP will object to anything other than Scalito, Thomas and Roberts. Winger zealots who "interpret" the Constitution based upon their own personal religious rituals. Isn't that the definition of an "activist judge" over which idiots like Hatch drone on and on? Cornyn REALLY wanted the does Ted Olsen. Two more white rich men without an ounce of compassion. I'll bet they're steamed Ginsberg didn't retire before Bush was out of office.
Judge Sotomayor was nominated by George H.W. Bush and by Bill Clinton timeline and serves on the 2nd Court of Appeals. She was born in the Bronx of Puerto Rican parents. Her father died. Her mother was a nurse. Her brother is now a doctor. She won a scholarship to Princeton and was first in her class. She went on to Yale. She married while at Princeton but divorced sans offspring.
I suspect she's in for a rough hearing nevertheless. Sessions is chomping at his bit, Cornyn is ready to lynch, Hatch will always have nasty aspersions to cast. Emotion, empathy, real life experience...characteristics lacking in the mostly wingnut justices currently sitting.

GOP to Label Sotomayor as ‘Activist’

Here are some of the key points Republicans will make against Sotomayor:

* They will call her an “activist” judge intent on making law from the bench, not interpreting law.
* As evidence of her “activist” philosophy, conservatives point a statement she made in 2005 that “court of appeals is where policy is made. I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don’t make law. I know. O.K. I know. I’m not promoting it. I’m not advocating it. I’m — you know..” You’ll see THIS CLIP a lot.
* Republicans will also make much of a 2002 speech Sotomayor made, saying that the sex and ethnicity of a judge “may and will affect our judging.” She said: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
* Republicans say that four of her opinions have been heard by the Supreme Court and that all four were overturned.
* Conservatives are also pointing to an article in the liberal magazine The New Republic by Jeffrey Rosen entitled, “The Case Against Sotomayor.” The article is stuffed with anonymous sources saying Sotomayor has temperament issues and is not an intellectual heavyweight.

Although it is highly unlikely that Republicans can defeat the nomination, they can make it extremely difficult for President Obama to reach his goal of confirming Sotomayor before the Senate’s August recess

Ah, the Grand Obstructionist Party:

Consider this from Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee: "I will focus on determining whether Judge Sotomayor is committed to deciding cases based only on the law as made by the people and their elected representatives, not on personal feelings or politics. I look forward to a fair and thorough process."

Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl, another member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, urged Democrats to allow the minority party plenty of time to examine Sotomayor's record. "Each member of the Senate has a constitutional duty to scrutinize judicial nominees before deciding whether to support their confirmation, and I will take great care in examining her record to ensure that she demonstrates personal integrity, a commitment to the rule of law, and a judicial temperament," he said.

Republican Leader Mitch McConnell also stressed the importance of a long process. "Our Democratic colleagues have often remarked that the Senate is not a 'rubber stamp,'" he said in a statement. "Accordingly, we trust they will ensure there is adequate time to prepare for this nomination, and a full and fair opportunity to question the nominee and debate her qualifications."

Conservative GOP Senator Jim DeMint was more directly skeptical, issuing a statement stating that some of Sotomayor's writings "seem to raise serious questions about her approach to the Constitution and the role of the federal judiciary." He added that he "will withhold judgment about her nomination until she has the opportunity to fully present her views before the Senate."

Senator Tom Coburn wrote that Sotomayor "deserves fair and open hearings," but he signaled that he is unlikely to back the nominee.

"It is critical that the Supreme Court reaffirm, not undermine, our Constitution's limited role for Congress and the President," he wrote. "The American people need judges who will interpret the Constitution, not rewrite it based on ideology or personal opinion."

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele suggested that Republicans will "reserve judgment" on the nominee "until there has been a thorough and thoughtful examination of her legal views."

"Supreme Court vacancies are rare, which makes Sonia Sotomayor's nomination a perfect opportunity for America to have a thoughtful discussion about the role of the Supreme Court in our daily lives," added Steele.

The RNC later sent out a document suggesting that Steele is taking a more open-minded approach than former DNC chair Howard Dean did when Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito were announced. (Here are the RNC's leaked talking points.)

GOP Senator John Thune offered a similar sentiment to his colleagues, saying "it will be important to determine if Judge Sotomayor will decide cases based on her own personal feelings and political views, or the bedrock rule of law." He added that he needs time to see if "she possesses unimpeachable integrity, high intellect, and a commitment to applying the law as it is written, rather than legislating from the bench."

Not only are they mean, they're stupid too.
Is this where they plan on picking their fight?
A Latina (GASP) on the Supreme Court? FIRST in her class at Princeton.
MORE experience than any current SC judge prior to their nominations.
left to right (top) Kyl, Graham, Grassley
Left to right (bottom) Cornyn, Coburn, Hatch
Center Huckleberry Sessions.

Puke Judic

Sessions' statement
"Of primary importance, we must determine if Ms. Sotomayor understands that the proper role of a judge is to act as a neutral umpire of the law, calling balls and strikes fairly without regard to one's own personal preferences or political views."

Gee, did he determine that with Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Roberts? His voice will always remind me of Huckleberry Hound Dog. But mean.

Here we go...the obstructionists have no intention of confirming her prior to their lovely month-long August vacation. Just another "power play" by The Party of NO. Reid should force them to stay and vote but that would require some sort of spine and he has yet to display one to me.

Senate Judiciary Committee


Monday, May 25, 2009

Jeb Stays in the Public Eye

The Bush Family Evil Empire has NO intention of going quietly into that good night. Jeb will be running for president. His son will be running for office of some kind. Ooooh, Jeb has 7 principles of improving America's educational system. The one his brother broke?
Let's get one thing straight, the Republicans don't want a literate educated and THINKING America. They want us as dumb and uninformed as possible. Education is only for them...and their friends, and other rich people. Not for the masses. Ignorant folks are SO much easier to vote in their own worst interests for thieves, aka GOPers.
Hannity was thrilled with his "exclusive" interview with Jebby the pig nosed wonder.

Youtube Hannity's Six ideas for saving America. Jeb has seven due to his "passion" for education
Part One.

Jeb on Hannity
I can see it all now...."A Passion for Reform" is a delightfully ambiguous campaign slogan.

Part Two.

Hannity just lies and lies and lies. And Jeb, everything was WORSE than bad while your "brother" occupied our White House. Obama is trying to FIX it. STFU!
Jeb Criticizes Obama

Jeb is staying bizzy:
April, 2009
Jeb Bush elected to Rayonier board
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was elected to the Rayonier Inc. board of directors at the company’s annual shareholder meeting on Thursday.

Bush had previously been appointed to the board after his term as governor ended in 2007. He will serve a term expiring in 2010.

Jacksonville-based Rayonier (NYSE: RYN), which sells and develops real estate, manages timberland and produces cellulose fibers, also added David W. Oskin to its board. Oskin, who will serve a term expiring in 2011, is president of private investment and advisory company Four Winds Ventures.

How convenient, an interim job to keep his finger in while he bides his time to run for president?
Jeb Again In '10?
Monday, 25 May 2009

TAMPA - Some fierce Jeb Bush fans are urging the former Florida governor to again run for governor. They've launched a website site called "Jeb Again in '10"-- says "Run, Jeb, Run," but does not say who's behind the site.

A new Mason Dixon polls finds Bush would win both the Republican primary against state Attorney General Bill McCollum and the general election versus stat Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, a Democrat. That is, if he were to run.

The polling of 600 likely voters found Bush's approval rating two years out of office is higher than current Governor Charlie Crist, who is running for the U.S. Senate instead of seeking re-election.

Need I say, "Yikes, Ghod help us!"

Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush speaks at country day school
May 19, 2009

When asked by a local school student whether he would consider a run for the White House, Jeb Bush didn't exactly say no.

Not Jeb's Time - Yet

When will that "right time" be? 2012? 2016? He was only born in 1953.

Bush, Wolf address Manufacturers' Association of South Central Pa
May 20, 2009
Twice Jeb Bush dodged questions about his own future in politics, before he finally gave in and answered the questions posed by Michael Smeltzer, the executive director of the manufacturers' association.

Bush, 56, a younger brother of former President George W. Bush, served two terms as governor of Florida from 1998-2006. He said he is now working to make sure that the Republican Party becomes more idea driven than it is now.

"I don't anticipate running for anything, but do want to support people that are crazy enough to do it," Bush said.

Jeb Bush also was asked about how he thinks his brother's tenure as president will go down in history.

He said that he thinks history will treat George W. Bush's presidency "much kinder" than the press and opponents did in the final two years of his second term.

"I think he will go down in history as a president that kept us safe in a very traumatic time," Jeb Bush said.

Jeb is as delusional as the rest of his sick evil twisted family. Hey Jeb, 9/11 happened on your brother's watch! He'll go down in history as the worst president in American history. Prescott Bush, H. W., Dumbya, they're all CROOKS!

BFEE 8 More Years


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gitmo to Abu Ghraib

Bush knew:
Keepin' America Safe

Lest we forget the atrocities committed "in our name" at Abu Ghraib, let's remember how it happened. Rumsfeld brought in General Geoffrey Miller from Gitmo to "Gitmo-ize" Abu Ghraib. We aren't privvy to all the torturing that really goes on, daily. We only know the tip of the iceberg. All we know is who was in charge.

Bush knew!

Bush knew!
Torturers Miller Rummy
Rumsfeld and Miller both belong in jail as war criminals.

Bush knew!
Gitmo-ized Cell Block

Mission Accomplished:
War Criminal Gen Miller

Miller brought the dogs, the enhanced interrogation techniques...isn't that what the Nazis did to terrorize all their captives. If it walks and talks like a duck....
Miller Gitmo Nazi

The architects....war criminals, war profiteers...assholes.
The Architects

Enabled by GOPers who are accomplices.
Warner Kiss Of Torture

Enabled also by McSame...I wonder how he sleeps at night knowing the lies he's told?

But it was all "legal" doncha know?
Torture Okay by Yoo

Is this how we'd like OUR troops treated?


Hours on end in this position...think we'd like that sort of technique?

Cheney Lying to Panda

No Brainer


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sick of the Spin

Whoopee, we "get" Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and (sort of) Ed. That's it. That's all the truth one nation is allowed. All on cable.
The rest of it is from the GOP perspective. The 1996 FCC Regulations must be changed NOW. St. Teflon already took away the "Fairness Doctrine" in the 80s.
Sometimes I watch TV other than Olbermann and Maddow, "regular" TV. I'm appalled at the absolute stupidity of most Americans. They have been successfully reduced to help create uneducated, programmed idiots. I won't get into my pet peeve....grammar. And I won't get into accents that make people sound even dumber.

Folks don't understand that Fox News is a total GOP propaganda machine. Why the fuck not? Its existence is to destroy Democrats and hail Republicans. Facts be damned with Fox. RNC spin is their raison d'être. Case in point, they now have Kkkkarl Rove spewing on their airwaves. The GOP is more interested in "political points" rather than face reality. Future ads with which to flood the airwaves in 2010. All lies, but effective. They've used that out of context shit for decades.

Cheney LOVES Faux Gnus. They say whatever he tells them to say.
Major  Success

Karl Rove can say whatever he likes on Fox. It's GET PELOSI TIME per Rove. Distraction.
Rove Evaluates Obama's First 100 Days

Rove the Spinner
Who gives a flying fuck what that little felon has to say about anything?

Liz (spawn) Chee-nee (as Matthews insists we pronounce it) is on every cable channel defending her father's war crimes but never challenged and never corrected. Apple=tree=liar. It's repugnant. Can Chelsea come on now and defend blow jobs? Everyone in America has either given or received one. Or as Carter idiotically said, "I have lust in my heart." What does it take to get a treasured spot on the Sunday Political Cartoon shows? Connections. The GOP owns most of the media. (Look it up.)
On MSNBC Youtube
Fearmongering is the special du jour, touts les jours. Fear!
Same shtick her father pulled out of his ass for the 2004 elections.
Cheney Warns of Attacks

with Norah O'Donnell

Ahahahahaaaa...who the fuck is she kidding?

Liz Cheney: 'Fantasies' being spread about former VP

Liz Cheney said Sunday that some of the stories in print about her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, were "fantasies" cooked up by some of his old Bush administration rivals.

Is that anything like a vast right wing conspiracy? Projection.

Maybe Liz needs to see some torture up close and very personal.
And yes, whatever the hell they were doing to this "detainee" from the original photo it did indeed show frothing and liquids coming from his mouth and nose...he looked shocked and in pain.

Liz Cheney Spars With Lawrence O'Donnell Over Waterboarding

Liar Liz Cheney

Liz, STFU, it's been used as torture for centuries. Want to prove it, have it done to you, like'll refuse.
They did women too....
waterboarding-a long tradition of torture

waterboarding in Vietnam


Friday, May 22, 2009

A Comedy of Terrors

Hope vs. Fear: President Obama vs. Dick Cheney, the true face of the GOP.
Dick at AEI...home turf amongst his fellow un-American friends.
Chiding President Obama for cutting into his time, how droll. Networks complied.
Spin Cheney On Tour

Fixed. Rigged, Propagandized. Given a medal by Shrub.
Torture Memo-Tenet Liar

Come on now, hit the DINOs hard. They might as well be GOPers. 90-6 not to fund closing Guantanamo? Whose lobbying money pays for this bullshit? Upgrade Alcatraz. It's perfect. Montana WANTS 'em. Not one inmate has escaped from a maximum security prison. Money? Costs more to house them at Guantanamo than here. NIMBY their chickenshit ASSES!

Bush feels liberated. Free. Hopefully not for long.
Bush Reception

"It's 'liberating' to be out of office!"
Fri May 22, 9:41 am ET

ARTESIA, N.M. – It was a humbling moment for the former commander in chief: President George W. Bush was walking former first dog Barney in his new Dallas neighborhood when it stopped in a neighbor's yard for relief.

"And there I was, former president of the United States of America, with a plastic bag on my hand," he told a group of graduating high school students in New Mexico on Thursday. "Life is returning back to normal."

Bush, in one of his few public appearances since leaving office in January, told the students that leaving office lifted a heavy burden.

"I no longer feel that great sense of responsibility that I had when I was in the Oval Office. And frankly, it's a liberating feeling," he told seniors from Artesia High School.

He received a warm welcome in the southeastern New Mexico community, the Roswell Daily Record reported. Bush declined interviews and no video cameras were allowed inside.

The crowd gave him multiple standing ovations and after his speech he was presented with a sculpture of an eagle taking flight from a torch. The sculpture will be dedicated at City Hall on Memorial Day in honor of Bush and America's veterans.

Bush invoked an Iraq veteran's story to motivate the students to continue their educations. He described visiting Army Staff Sgt. Christian Bagge, a soldier from Oregon who lost both legs in combat.

When he visited Bagge at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Bush told him that someday Bagge would get out of his bed and run.

Then, one day, an aide went into Bush's office and said Bagge was waiting on the South Lawn and wanted to go running with the president.

If Bagge could do that, Bush told the students: "You can go to college."
Bush said he hoped President Barack Obama's administration would be successful. He also said he was writing a book about some of the difficult decisions he made while in office.
Information from: Roswell Daily Record,

I remember a few photo ops staged jogging at the White House with troops who helped give Georgie a war hero veneer. I hope Army Staff Sgt. Christian Bagge is getting all that he needs. "Life is returning back to normal" might be true for the affluent Mr. Bush. I doubt the returning vets have it quite so nice.
Kick the Chickenhawk

BUSH Liberated in Poopville

Enthusiastic high school students. Hmmm....wonder where they dug them up?

Why Artesia?
Located in Artesia

The prinicpal enconomic activities which support Artesia are the oil and gas industry, agriculture and dairy.

Artesia is home to the former Abo Elementary School, identified by One Nation Underground (ISBN 0-8147-7522-5) as the first and most likely only public school which is entirely underground and equipped to function as a fallout shelter. The school, completed in 1962 (the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis), had a concrete slab roof which served as the school's playground. It contained a large storage facility with room for supplies for 2000 people in the event of nuclear warfare. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999 and is located at 1802 W Centre Ave.
The city has one of the few residential training sites of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), mostly for United States Border Patrol Agents. The center is located on the former campus of the College of Artesia, which operated from 1966 to 1971.
Artesia has a high-voltage direct current back-to-back station which connects the eastern and western electric grids in Eddy County. This tie, built by General Electric in 1983, can transfer a maximum power of 200 megawatts. The used voltage is 82 kV.

Writing a book? He meant Barney is leaving him clues on topics...piles of shit.

Much more inspirational pic stating the case for war:
Support the Thugs


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lies, Lies, Lies....and More Lies

Misc: Mineshaft canary ramblings.
Public Enemy Number One:

Getting people to see the truth about Bush and Cheney has been an uphill battle from day one. These Texas killers were already a known quantity...yet people chose to believe them again and again and "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists" as they slandered and threatened anyone who didn't agree with them. Our patriotism was called into question. Some people are simply delusional sheep and believe anything they're told and they're not too bright. Some people are too weak-minded and frightened by the truth to allow any of it into their consciousness. They need authoritarian rule to maintain order in their lives. Some are plain psychopathic and only care about themselves, their own agendas, such as religious zealotry, dominionism, plus have a cruel streak. And some of us (approximately 30% in 2001) realistically looked at the facts and if they didn't add up (which they didn't) we asked questions...we were (and are) a threat to national security per Dick Cheney. Questioning authority IS patriotic, it IS American, it IS ethical and it most certainly is Constitutional. But the Bushites labeled anyone with questions as the culprits for their own crimes, always have and always will, via projection.

Bush and Cheney did NOT "win" the election of 2000, they stole it, they rigged it, they, via lawyers 3,500 of whom poured into Florida to stop the vote count, Jeb Bush's state, made it a "decision" by the Supreme Court instead of a "vote" by the people of the United States. I don't know why Al Gore conceded defeat, he won the election. I don't know why he "chose" Joe Lieberman to be his running mate, a stealth saboteur from day one. Both were horrible errors on Gore's part and I have yet to figure out the reasons why. Why, Al? Why? Joe AIPAC as his VP? It makes NO sense.
The GOP paid staffers of their own to pose as "rioters" to demonstrate in Miami to stop the vote. Miami Brooks Brothers Rioters. The GOP sent throngs of lawyers to tie up the vote counting in the courts, (John Bolton, "I'm here to stop the counting") they stole our Constitutional right to fair elections by threatening, suing, and forcing Florida to go their way...minus the facts; Gore won. Bush was "declared" the winner by a right leaning Supreme Court, O'Connor staying on the court specifically for that purpose as she was overheard stating in public, lest Clinton have an opportunity to appoint somebody sane in her stead, somebody who understood the role of the courts and the Constitution itself.
Context of 'January 27, 2003: 9/11 Commission Decides It Will Not Issue Subpoenas'

9/11 happened on their watch. Not Bill Clinton's, not Barack Obama's, on THEIR watch. Bush ignored an intelligence memo while on one of his many vacations in Crawford in August of 2001, "Bin Laden determined to attack". And that's okay with let him just ignore it? Imagine if Obama did the same thing. He'd be in prison. To suggest they let it happen through either negligence or deliberately was pre-labeled "tinfoil" and plain crazy conspiracy theory. They set up a fake "commission" (Lee Whitewash Hamilton, anyone?) to shut down any real investigation into their lies. They've hidden or simply denied the proof, all we have are facts that don't add up to their version of what happened. The demolition of those buildings doesn't meet scientific evidence. Witnesses were ignored. People at the scene who told of explosions inside the WTC were ignored. The "evidence" of 19 or 20 terrorists was neatly packaged and handed to the "media" for propagandized dissemination. Atta's passport neatly landed on the street in NY intact. Dick Cheney was the president that day, he and Lynne the porn author were in the White House running the show. Bush was "out of harm's way" landing in Omaha where coincidentally many CEOs who would normally have been at work in the WTC were meeting.

The United States of Dick:
US of Dick

Sinister frightening Dick Cheney has been around for a very long time, he was involved in the pardon of law-breaker Dick Nixon with his partner in crime Donald Rumsfeld. They made sure the GOP learned from their mistakes during Watergate and closed all "legal" loopholes for their crimes. It's not illegal if the president does it. Or the Vice President, or the Secretary of Defense. Dick's STILL threatening people in Congress beyond "Go fuck yourself" and Anthrax mysteriously being sent to high ranking Democrats. George and Dick set about destroying our government, they decimated FEMA, put everything else under their control via "homeland security", emptied our treasury into their own pockets and stonewalled for eight years.

Go Fuck Yourself

Now, you'd think Nancy Pelosi personally tortured prisoners at Gitmo, when did she know is more important than when did Dick started torturing people for his fabricated Iraq connection? George Tenet's apparent role, "It's a slam dunk" to connect Saddam to 9/11 and then cover-up the his CIA's cherry picked by Dick false information. He got a medal for his loyalty. What kind of insanity is that? Business as usual for the BushCheney team. Blame the Democrats no matter what. Attack Democrats no matter what, blame Democrats for what they didn't do, no matter what. Go for the weakest most inarticulate links. Nancy water boarded people herself. "Nancy Pelosi was behind it", Joe Watkins, "analyst" on MSNBC, "It's Obama's CIA" he said. So all of the torturing happened because of Democrats. Pelosi was in favor of torturing people. Right.
As usual Pelosi is mishandling the situation, she's let down her constituency....long before this nonsense. The minute she took impeachment "off the table" she betrayed us as a nation. Should she resign? No. On principle. Will she? Maybe...she's inept but she is innocent of torturing anyone. I'm dumbfounded that she sent an aide to such an important thing as a CIA intelligence briefing instead of going herself, in person, knowing no notes could be taken. Bob Graham took notes later, he was there, appalled, and he spoke out at the time. He was ignored. Should the Republicans take responsibility for their criminal actions while they held all three branches of our government? Yes. Will that happen? Probably not. We're weak as a party, we've been overrun by DINOs and right wingers dressed as Democrats. If it walks like the GOP and votes like the GOP it isn't a Democrat. We need to cleanse our own party.

The fourth branch of government, Dick Cheney, has had most of the power since 2000 and still wields it from the sidelines while our leaders allow him to get away with it, above and beyond all laws. He didn't like people getting close to the truth so he outed a CIA agent, Valerie Plame, who was under cover working on Iran's nuclear capabilities. How convenient. A twofer. Scooter took the fall. Nice and neat.

Dick From Hell

Anyone who objected to a thing in a "post 9/11 world" was labeled anti-American, unpatriotic, a threat to America's security. They tore up and threw away our Constitution. Yet people believed them. Why? Because some people just can't handle the truth, their reality would be rocked to its foundation to believe that war crimes can be committed by people with American accents. Perhaps if Dick and George had Russian or German accents they would have believed it...but an American-accented liar? They just couldn't or wouldn't deal with it. The Bush lawyers shoved the massive "Patriot Act" down our throats forcing votes on an unconstitutional piece of hell legislation that nobody even read before being forced in mass hysteria to vote. Dick Cheney assured us we would be attacked again if they didn't get their way. How could he be so sure his Saudi friends would do it again? Osama Bin Laden got exactly what he demanded, the removal of all U.S. military bases on Saudi soil and the destruction of the U.S. Constitution. Where is he? Probably dead but we'll never know since Cheney isn't about to admit a thing. Even under oath. Oaths mean NOTHING to Cheney, Rumsfeld, George, Rove, et alia. Dick is best friends forever with Saudi Arabia the UAE, especially Dubai, home of his Halliburtion HQ.
Our media has been corrupted completely since the 1996 FCC Regulations, bought up by a handful of corporations who backed up the lies being disseminated by shitheads like Karl Rove, American traitor.
The NY Times sold the false connection between Saddam Hussein and the Saudis who blew up the WTC. They lied. CNN and the other cable networks harangued us daily with mushroom clouds that didn't exist, fake spin disguised as "information" and threats to our very lives. There has been a slight shift in the last year or so since the majority of Americans finally couldn't add one and one and get three anymore as the economy sank under the theft of the War Criminal Torturers, skimming and making money off the lives of American troops from day one of the invasion of Iraq. Millions of us worldwide hit the streets to protest the attack, we were dismissed by Bush as "a focus group" while distractions such as abortion, gay rights, anything of a social nature were used instead. Look over there, bright shiny objects to glare at instead of the unpleasant truth right over here under our noses. It worked. It worked for almost the entire eight years of the worst administration in this nation's short history. They robbed us blind!

Rumsfeld Instructs Rush

Rush Limbaugh has more power than our elected officials because the media allows it to be that way. Nobody elected that drug addict to office yet he holds court because Clear Channel owns all the "heartland" radio stations. It's all "middle America" can get on their radio dial, right wing nut jobs paid well to spew propaganda. Cystboy is worth every dime of his $400 million salary, he's getting the job done with ease, anyone who crosses him is dead meat. We have a handful of truthful fact finding voices on the left but those are recent additions. In the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq we had nothing, zip, nada. Talking heads spewing propaganda. Phil Donahue couldn't put sentences together, brevity and clarity have always been beyond his ken. He was fired due to "low ratings" which is just as well since he was a terrible representative for "our" side, the truth, and a Naderite to boot. On the radio we had, (if our radios could pull them in off weak Air America) shrill Rhodes, comedian Franken, and Maddow the best of the lot but too "cerebral" for the masses. The right wing has so many coming in loud and clear including Faux News, it's impossible to list them all...yet they lie on, and on and on, facts be damned. They lie. The psychopaths love them and the delusional seek comfort in their lies.

Oral History of the Bush Administration

And now we have the absolute disappointment of Obama backing down on tribunals at Gitmo, prosecuting war criminals, backing up the CIA over the's getting sickening to me. I like him. I hope he succeeds but giving in to thugs sure isn't the way to do it.

Rush and Dick, it's all they've got left. And Faux Gnus, and Karl and Steele, and anyone else on a suicide mission of lying stupidity.
