The NYTimes helped to sell the war in Iraq, (Judith Miller, case in point), they've SHAMELESSLY backed the lying bunch of bastards in the White House since day one. The New York Times is a GOP RAG! You treasonous bastards! How dare you choose Bill and Hillary's marriage as your
big story. Oh, that's right, a blow job hurt the hell out of all of us economically and sent us into wars. It's not surprising that the propaganda presstitutes have fallen back on the Clintons...all the news coming out of Neocon House is bad. Plummeting poll numbers, scandals, corruption, gay men visiting the White House at night, hookers at Watergate schmoozing with Republicans and CIA men. Yes, the Clintons are much more interesting. Right there on the front page. A-1. Hey, Nu Whore Times, HERE'S a marriage worth examining. These two perverts were here in California today, hiding out with the military again. One writes gay porn, the other IS porn. I know porn when I see it; Big Time Dick is porn.

Then again, maybe Gonzales scared the Times. Only Clinton stories...or they'll be prosecuted.
I doubt very much that our men in uniform (below) give a fuck about the state of Hillary and Bill's union. They seem to be busy.
U.S. soldiers from the 1st Armoured Division carry a wounded Iraqi soldier to a Black Hawk helicopter in Tal Afar, a town near Mosul, in a photo taken May 19, 2006. (Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon II/Handout/Reuters) I know the
2,457 dead U.S. troops don't care. The 18,088+
injured U.S. troops probably have other priorities too.
Chris Matthews is a WHORE! Again. Yeah, we knew that already but he got his fodder for tonight's Hardballs show from the New York Times. He got to laugh and laugh and laugh and make fun of the Clintons...oh yes, it was such fun for him. His guests laughed and laughed along with him. There's no news to report but the endlessly uninteresting marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton? "
Why did the NYTimes put that story on the front page?" he asked. Because mother fucking sons of bitches like Matthews could grind it into the ground on K-BULL GNUS for the next week! That's why! They gave Screamer an excuse to avoid corruption on the Hill and crimes in the White House that affect each and every one of us. Well done, MSM.
Dissecting how much time they spend together and speculating on how that might affect Hillary's chances should she become president, which by the way is NOT going to happen, EVER, is an act of treason in a time of war. What about the theft and murder under your bloody noses perpetrated by the current gang of crooks in the White House. What's that you say? Not interesting copy? Never mind those scandals, they're boring. Remembering Bill's penis fondly is so much more important.
Thank you so fucking much for creating a story within a lovely story for Media bastards on MSNBC and CNN to use to NOT tell us a thing about what's going on in Iraq, Iran, China, Russia, the UN, Israel, the whole rest of the world. Guess what? WE, the public, don't give a fuck if they both have raging affairs going on 24/7.We DO care about being fucked in the ass 365 days a year by crooked Republicans spying on us as they rip us off!
In the meantime, Spyboy Hayden is going to be confirmed to spy on us, Wiretapper Gonzales is going to arrest reporters, Fascist Bastard Bush is lying about the Iraq war which is NOT going well by any standards, the economy is tanking for average folks, the cost of living is soaring, nobody has any optimism left but hoo boy, we get to think about the Clintons' marriage. THIS is NEWS? The NYTimes should be ASHAMED! The ONLY surprise is that it wasn't written by that lying whore, MoDo.
Fair and balanced, my ass!
Clintons Balance Married and Public Lives
Published: May 23, 2006
Bill and Hillary Clinton flew to Chicago together last month to deliver speeches a few hours and a few miles apart. And like any couple, they thought about having dinner at day's end. But life is not so simple when you are married to a Clinton.

The Clintons last month in a rare appearance together.
The Empire Zone
A blog about New York politics, focusing on statewide elections this year, including Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's re-election bid.
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David Scull for The New York Times
The Clintons at the recent unveiling of their portraits. For Mrs. Clinton, seeking her own political identity, her famous husband is a mixed blessing.
The former president kept a low profile and left early for Washington, in part to avoid distracting the news media from his wife's speech. They decided later that dinner would not work, so Mr. Clinton did what he often does: He rounded up some familiar faces — former aides including Joe Lockhart and Mike McCurry — and went out for a late bite at Lauriol Plaza, the bustling Tex-Mex restaurant in Dupont Circle. Only afterward did the Clintons end up at home together.
Mr. Clinton is rarely without company in public, yet the company he keeps rarely includes his wife. Nights out find him zipping around Los Angeles with his bachelor buddy, Ronald W. Burkle, or hitting parties and fund-raisers in Manhattan; she is yoked to work in Washington or New York — her Senate career and political ambitions consuming her time.
When the subject of Bill and Hillary Clinton comes up for many prominent Democrats these days, Topic A is the state of their marriage — and how the most dissected relationship in American life might affect Mrs. Clinton's possible bid for the presidency in 2008.
Democrats say it is inevitable that in a campaign that could return the former president to the White House, some voters would be concerned or distracted by Mr. Clinton's political role and the episode that led the House to vote for his impeachment in 1998.
"There's no question that it's a complicated candidacy for a lot of voters because of the history of that relationship and what they've been through," said Leon E. Panetta, Mr. Clinton's chief of staff from 1994 to 1997. "They've been through a lot of challenges as a couple, though in the end if you're with them together, you know there's something there that basically bonds them."
The dynamics of a couple's marriage are hard to gauge from the outside, even for a couple as well known as the Clintons. But interviews with some 50 people and a review of their respective activities show that since leaving the White House, Bill and Hillary Clinton have built largely separate lives — partly because of the demands of their distinct career paths and partly as a result of political calculations.
The effect has been to raise Senator Clinton's profile on the public radar while somewhat toning down Mr. Clinton's; he has told friends that his No. 1 priority is not to cause her any trouble. They appear in the public spotlight methodically and carefully: The goal is to position Mrs. Clinton to run for president not as a partner or a proxy, but as her own person.
Many of those interviewed were granted anonymity to discuss a relationship for which the Clintons have long sought a zone of privacy. The Clintons and, for the most part, their aides declined to cooperate for this article and urged others not to cooperate as well. Their spokesmen, Jay Carson (his) and Philippe Reines (hers), provided a statement about the relationship:
"She is an active senator who, like most members of Congress, has to be in Washington for part of most weeks. He is a former president running a multimillion-dollar global foundation. But their home is in New York, and they do everything they can to be together there or at their house in D.C. as often as possible — often going to great lengths to do so. When their work schedules require that they be apart they talk all the time."
Since the start of 2005, the Clintons have been together about 14 days a month on average, according to aides who reviewed the couple's schedules. Sometimes it is a full day of relaxing at home in Chappaqua; sometimes it is meeting up late at night. At their busiest, they saw each other on a single day, Valentine's Day, in February 2005 — a month when each was traveling a great deal. Last August, they saw each other at some point on 24 out of 31 days. Out of the last 73 weekends, they spent 51 together. The aides declined to provide the Clintons' private schedule.
Aides say the two want as much private time together as possible; last fall, for instance, Mr. Clinton left Manhattan for home to squeeze in a few hours with Mrs. Clinton before turning around for a flight out of Newark. Mr. Clinton has told his staff that he would rather not be in Washington when his wife is not there, aides said.
The Empire Zone
A blog about New York politics, focusing on statewide elections this year, including Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's re-election bid.
Friends — eager to smooth any rough edges on the relationship — tell old-married-couple stories of them gardening, playing Scrabble, and dining out at Le Cirque, Rasika, and Bayou in Harlem with old pals like the former party leader Terry McAuliffe, the power broker Vernon Jordan and others. On Christmas Eve, they wandered through the near-empty Chappaqua Village Market together, noticed by the occasional fellow shopper.
Public Distance
Rarely, however, do the Clintons appear in public when they are together. That is largely driven by their careers, but it is also partly by choice. Mr. Clinton has become involved in a legion of causes that have taken him out of the country, like as AIDS in Africa and third-world poverty. He sometimes takes part in her strategy sessions, but the sensitivity about his political role is so great that her advisers differed on his influence and frequency of participation — though all agreed that at home, his sway is felt.
Yet in choosing to keep their public lives separate, people around the Clintons say, there is a political calculus at work, beyond the natural evolution in a marriage that has had plenty of stresses and betrayals.
Mrs. Clinton may be the only Democrat in America who cannot look at Bill Clinton as an unalloyed political asset. He is a complicated figure for his wife, who has grown from a controversial first lady, while intertwined with him, into a popular senator by standing on her own two feet.
"Her national appeal and national strength is not based upon her relationship with Bill Clinton, but her extraordinary stature and success as a U.S. senator," said Robert Zimmerman, a Democratic donor and supporter of the couple.
Democrats preparing for 2008 describe the political challenge this way: Mrs. Clinton could prosper as a presidential candidate, yet the return of "the Clintons" could revive memories including the oft-derided two-for-the-price-of-one appeal of his 1992 presidential campaign, Mrs. Clinton's role in the universal health care debacle, and the soap opera of infidelity.
Because of Mr. Clinton's behavior in the White House, tabloid gossip sticks to him like iron filings to a magnet. Several prominent New York Democrats, in interviews, volunteered that they became concerned last year over a tabloid photograph showing Mr. Clinton leaving B.L.T. Steak in Midtown Manhattan late one night after dining with a group that included Belinda Stronach, a Canadian politician. The two were among roughly a dozen people at a dinner, but it still was enough to fuel coverage in the gossip pages.
Private Worries
Just as it is difficult to predict how voters would feel about Mrs. Clinton as a presidential candidate, Clinton advisers say, it is hard to foresee how they would judge the Clintons' baggage in the context of their third White House bid.
"There are a lot of people who will work for her if she runs for president and who are worried about the relationship," said Lanny J. Davis, an old friend of the Clintons' and a lawyer who helped see the president through his scandals in the White House. "The conventional wisdom is that the relationship might hurt her — all those old memories and scandals will be evoked. But I'm betting, and maybe this is wishful thinking, that that's not correct."
Donna Brazile, a Democratic political strategist, said it was impossible to deal the former president out of any bid by his wife, especially given Mr. Clinton's high profile.
"At the same time, voters aren't interested in the Clintons as a couple as much as they're interested in what Mrs. Clinton is doing or saying," she said.
Still, it was only a few years ago that the Clinton relationship was the stuff of best-selling books and saucy debates on television talk shows. In private, too, the marriage was under a microscope when the Clintons sought counseling, as Mrs. Clinton disclosed in her memoirs. Some of their friends said when they left the White House, they also tried to leave behind the bad blood of the scandal caused by Mr. Clinton's involvement with Monica S. Lewinsky, a White House intern. But other friends said they saw tension and disappointment in the marriage. For a time the new senator considered Washington home, putting energy into work and entertaining at the new Clinton mansion on Embassy Row, while Mr. Clinton hunkered down in New York to write his memoirs and work on new projects.
"Over time she came to consider Chappaqua home, too, and she likes spending time there with the president when they can find the time," said one longtime friend of the couple's, who was granted anonymity because the Clintons did not want this person to speak. "That says a lot about the state of their marriage.
"She needs to be in her own separate orbit, so if something explodes in his world, she will have at least some space and distance to manage it," this friend said.
Some friends say that they do not notice any tension now, though they are not sure when, or how, it lifted.
"Who knows how any couple conquers the issues in their marriage, but they did it," said Chris Korge, a Democratic fund-raiser who is close to both Clintons. "It's like when he bought her a new diamond ring recently, you just saw the look in her face. When someone shows you something like that, 'This is what Bill bought me,' kind of gleaming, it meant something to get it — it meant more to her that he bought it for her than what it actually was."
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The Empire Zone
A blog about New York politics, focusing on statewide elections this year, including Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's re-election bid.
Yet even now, the couple is on a constant learning curve about the interplay of politics and their marriage. When the Clintons appeared at Coretta Scott King's funeral in February, several Democrats remarked that the former president's emotive tone and remarks were pitch perfect — and that Mrs. Clinton sounded starchy by comparison.
Partly as a result, Mr. Clinton is often sent to political events on his own, instead of introducing her, standing by her side, or sitting raptly at her important speeches like an admiring spouse. Alan Patricof, a New York fund-raiser who is an ally of the Clintons, said it was Mr. Clinton's solo appearances on behalf of his wife that made both of them sparkle, such as at a recent fund-raiser that Mr. Patricof attended.
"It was all about Hillary, about why she was an effective senator, how hard she was working," he said.
Approaching 60 and with major heart surgery not yet two years behind him, Mr. Clinton has been more reflective in public about the marriage than Mrs. Clinton, who is 58.
When they appeared together at a Manhattan fund-raiser in December, the former president said he had sometimes "kicked myself" for encouraging her to run for office. There were times he wished she were not in the Senate so they could travel more, learn more, he said.
When Mrs. Clinton joined him onstage, Mr. Clinton gave her a kiss on the forehead, and then stepped away. Mrs. Clinton appeared a little choked up. Moments later, as she recalled their 30 years of marriage, she looked out into the dimly lighted room to try to find him.
"I'm so grateful to you, Bill, wherever you are," she said.