For pedophiles like John David Roy Atchison, Assistant United States Attorney from Northern Florida, I hope there's a worse hell than the one he created for his small victims. He had been communicating with a woman he thought was the child's mother in Detroit. She was an undercover cop. He thought she had a five year old daughter with whom he allegedly wanted to have sex.
During continuous conversations, he expressed a desire to engage in oral, vaginal and anal sex with her fictitious daughter, records show. At one point, he wrote: “I’m always gentle and loving; not to worry; no damage ever; no rough stuff ever ever.” He assured the undercover officer that the girl would not need medical attention, saying, “I can be absolutely sure; just gotta go slow and very easy is how; I’ve done it plenty.”
I note they've put him into some sort of protective vest, I'm sure there are many parents (and non-parents) who'd like to have a crack at him before his "trial".

Video of a TV reporter on location US District Court in Detroit,
WXYZ Action News.
No footage of the sicko. Yet.
He is president of the Gulf Breeze Sports Association, a youth athletics organization. He described himself online as a family man. His wife is a science teacher at Gulf Breeze High School.Atchison's boss, Gregory Miller, was appointed by pResident Bush in 2002 as US Attorney for Northern Florida. He was proud of his record of hunting down pedophiles who use the internet to lure their prey or who possess child pornography.
Just two examples:
Man Sentenced on possession, receipt and production of child pornographyGregory R. Miller, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida, announced that Joaquin Gomes was sentenced this week in Gainesville, Florida, to a total of fifty (50) years imprisonment for federal crimes related to the possession, receipt and production of child pornography.Internet Solicitation of a minorUnited States Attorney Miller affirmed the commitment of his office and federal agencies in partnership with State and local agencies to vigorously work to protect the children of the Northern District of Florida from this danger. Yes, he's able (PR-wise) to capture them all...unless they're under his nose. The rest of his time is spent
hunting down terra-ists for boy George. And this is the same US Attorney who agreed the boot camp beating of fourteen year old
Martin Lee Anderson last year wasn't responsible for his death. Anyone who saw that
video knows that child was killed while in custody. Miller's perfect for this torturing racist cruel administration.
I wonder if he knew Atchison had also applied for a
liquor license last year. To what end?
Almost 5,000 vie for liquor licenses
BY B.J. DAVIS Gulf Breeze News
As the final liquor license applications trickle in, the list of those vying for the 17 spots continues to grow. As of June 5, (2006) the weekly updated list found on the Florida Department of Business and Profession Regulation had 4,763 logged.
And he calls himself a family man.
Atchison's party affiliation isn't given, but his boss Miller is a GOPer who was doing such a good job Gonzo didn't need to have him fired, his priorities are the Bush administration's priorities. Every single one of these bizarre pedophiles turns out to be a strange, what HAS happened to the Republican Party to produce such deviant behavior. Hmmmm. Then again, perhaps Mr. Atchison was so busy coaching kids playing sports in Gulf Breeze he didn't have much time for politics.
UPDATE: Yup, as I suspected, he's a Republican. They usually are.
As of 3/31/07
He was a registered Republican according to records from the Florida Division of Elections which I purchase periodically.
(Unless there's is another John David Roy Atchison in Gulf Breeze born in 1954.)
by kansasr At kos:
Republican Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting UPDATED
UPDATE: Atchison Indicted and
Remains in CustodyThe charges; Attempted enticement of a minor using the Internet; Aggravated sexual abuse; Traveling across state lines to have sex with someone under 12. He's entered a not guilty plea. A site has shown up with more revolting details:
Under the user name fldaddy04 and captioned "Experienced, understanding Daddy," Atchison allegedly described himself in his profile as: "Handsome, educated, professional, experienced Daddy. I love younger girls. Like everything about you ... how you think, talk, act. I’m very understanding and supportive ... never ever judgmental."
The Internet profile goes on to say that he would like to "pamper, spoil, change and take care of" girls.
His general interests are listed as "surfing, diving, boating ... everything to do with the water ... music and cute girls."
Atchison arrived at the airport Sunday with a Dora the Explorer doll, hoop earrings and petroleum jelly.
US Attorney Gregory Miller's office says they're
"deeply saddened" by the allegations. No denials. No defense. It looks like Atchison is on his own...and off suicide watch.
UPDATE: For Freepers and GOP members who refuse to believe it's the Republican Party with the history of perversion,
a partial list here.
UPDATE: Atchison
tried to hang himself in his jail cell. Back into the
protective isolation suit in which he was booked? Atchison lied to the judge, he's NOT "okay" in the general jail population. Not even from himself.
CBS4) DETROIT A Florida prosecutor who allegedly flew to Michigan to have a sexual encounter with a 5-year-old girl has reportedly tried to hang himself in his jail cell.
John D.R. Atchison was being held on federal child sex solicitation charges at the Sanilac County Jail, 75 miles north of Detroit. When a cell mate shouted that Atchison was trying to hang himself with a sheet, guards stepped in and stopped him.
Another link documenting Republican aberrant behavior. This subject appears to be very disturbing to Mr. Atchison's fellow GOP members. Denial; it's a big part of buying the lies. They can't handle the truth.
Atchison committed suicide. John D.R. Atchison, the federal prosecutor who was arrested in an Internet sex sting after he allegedly traveled to Michigan from Florida to have sex with a 5-year-old girl, hanged himself in a Michigan federal prison Friday morning.
Atchison, 53, of Pensacola, Fla., was put on suicide watch after he used a bed sheet in an attempted suicide in September. Detroit police confirmed Atchison's suicide death at 10:14 a.m. Friday. They have not released any details.
Atchison's attorney, James C. Thomas, released a statement Friday: “We are deeply saddened to learn the death of John Roy Atchison. Our heartfelt regrets go out to his wife and children, his parents and his brothers and sisters. This is a man who has done a lot of good in his life. Unfortunately, he is going to be judged by his most recent charges and what we have read in the media, and not by the goodness, hard work or by the love of his family. I expect to be filing a Suggestion of Death and will request the federal judge to dismiss the case once I receive the necessary documents.”
Atchison Commits Suicide. A federal prosecutor arrested during a sex sting in Detroit last month died by hanging himself inside his cell at a federal detention facility Friday, authorities said.
J.D. Roy Atchison, 53, of Gulf Breeze was found unresponsive in his cell Friday morning in the special housing unit of the Federal Correctional Institution in Milan, Mich. Atchison was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital and was pronounced dead at 10:17 a.m, federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Mike Truman said. “His death appears to be the result of suicide,” Truman said. “A thorough investigation is under way.”It was clear Atchison would attempt suicide again after his first try at hanging himself failed. Somebody took their eye off the ball...he should have been under camera surveillance 24/7 and certainly not allowed access to hanging materials.