Thursday, May 31, 2007

GOP Scum

War hawk Lieberman, neocon sympathizer and stealth GOP member, appeared in Iraq's Green Zone and said, "I think it's important we don't lose our will," and "To pull out would be a disaster." For whom, Joe? The contractors?
John Joe and Dick Green Zone

The Surge Twins
The Surge Twins

War! It's FUN!
Surge with John and Joe

It's just like Stratego!
Strategerizing Duo

Partners in war crimes. They belong in jail.


Tim Griffin, RNC/Rove crony has resigned as US Attorney of Arkansas. He had no business being in that position in the first place. Rumor has it that Griffin will work for Fred Thompson's campaign...caging, perhaps?

The best Bush news conference EVER!

By A Whitney Brown


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thugs at Work

Vice Asshole
Cheney went to West Point where he was before a "safe" audience.
His "speech" was more of the same bullshit; terror, terror, terror, they'll attack us here if we don't annihilate them there, we have saved you from more attacks but they might attack again, be afraid, be very afraid. Stock Dick-speak.
Cheney Lying at West Point
Shitboy went to visit another captive audience, wounded soldiers. Photo Op at Bethesda.
"To be the Commander-in-Chief of such men and women is really an awesome honor."
Bush is Awesome

Andy Card made the big mistake of appearing before real people at U. Mass, Amherst to receive an undeserved honorary degree for "public service" and was deservedly BOOOOED.
Good for the students! This was fabulous!

They never travel together anymore.
Bush Dick Cruising

It's a rough job speaking for a killer.
Bush Tony Snow


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Department of Justice?

Still Confident
Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson, Paul McNulty, Rove and Gonzales have made a mockery of the Justice Department and destroyed its credibility. Purges based on loyalty to Bush, party affiliation and rewards for services to the RNC have placed unqualified people like Tim Griffin into powerful positions in which they have NO business.
Department of Treason
(Monica sure has a looong neck)
Surging and Purging NYTimes Select. Bush administration purging independent-minded prosecutors.
Faith-based GOP Justice Department
The Bush administration withheld a series of e-mails from Congress showing that senior White House and Justice Department officials worked together to conceal the role of Karl Rove in installing Timothy Griffin, a protégé of Rove's, as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas."

About Tim Griffin-Bio, highly padded. The truth? Griffin is a liar
Good grief, he even LOOKS like his ex-boss, Rove.
Tim Griffin
December 2004, Elizabeth Ann Crain and Tim Griffin
They were married in April 2005.
E-Mails Show Machinations to Replace Prosecutor
Administration Worked for Months to Make Rove Aide U.S. Attorney in Arkansas

The just how aggressively Griffin sought the appointment. On April 27, for example, he used a private e-mail account to send a note to Sampson.

"Kyle, This might also be helpful," Griffin wrote, enclosing the flattering, four-paragraph note that Cummins had written nearly four years earlier, after Griffin had worked in his office as a special assistant U.S. attorney. "Just thought you should have it," Griffin said.

Speaking of justice...a bird pooped on Shitboy the other day while he was lying to us in the Rose Garden.
bush bird poop
Hahaha. Seriously, too bad Pterodactyls have died out.
And too bad elephants don't fly.
Video at Crooks and Liars
An apropos oldie:

Press Conference, Rose Garden
More Casualties

Bloody Chickenhawk


Monday, May 21, 2007

Bush is the Worst

Worst In History

Carter blasts Bush on his global impact
"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history. The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations, including those of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and others, has been the most disturbing to me." ...

Carter "Irrelevant" per WH
Out of touch with his own "party" of rightwads.
Give Back Our Ball


Lying Bag of Gas

Bush  the Lying Gasbag

"Don't buy gas if you don't need it."-Liar, 2005
"America is addicted to oil."-Lying sack of shit, 2006
"Our dependence on oil creates a risk...a threat"-Ass, 2007

Torture One_Bush_Gonzo

The little bastard is still confident since he has the DoJ on his side.
Above Confidence
Specter predicts Gonzales may resign
"He has done nothing wrong," Bush said
"I stand by Al Gonzales, and I would hope that people would be more sober in how they address these important issues," Bush said. "And they ought to get the job done of passing legislation, as opposed to figuring out how to be actors on the political theater stage."


Friday, May 18, 2007

Bush's War Czar

Bush War Czar
"I have chosen Lieutenant General Douglas Lute to serve as assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan," Bush said in a statement.

Bush said Lute, currently serving as the director of operations of the Joint Staff and a former leader of US military forces in the Middle East, "is a tremendously accomplished military leader who understands war and government and knows how to get things done."

Isn't the "Commander in Chief" supposed to oversee his own wars? Lute reports to Hadley who reports to Condi...who reports to Chimposaurus Hex who does the decideratin' and makes the decisions. After he talks to Dick.

New "War Czar" is really a "manager" says Lieboy in Chief.
The White House has avoided the term "war czar." Bush called Lute the "full-time manager" for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So Bush can have more vacations. Warmongerin' is harrd work.

Bush Pentagon War Czar
“Same-Day Service”


Thursday, May 17, 2007

GOP Close Shaves

Neocon fun and games. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) confounds the Chimp.
Neo Conversation

I'm a C-SPAN addict. I've watched it for years. I hear the lies being told on the floors of the Senate and the House without the bullshit spin of the MSM. I don't have to see who's talking, there are many distinctive voices in Congress.Gingrey's voice is unmistakable. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard as what he has to say is just so WRONG. (Marsha Blackburn's voice has the same effect on me; Sessions, Sensenbrenner, Hatch too, it's a long list.) Far right rabid folks must love his dulcet tones. He's a perfect neocon Bush/Cheney rubber stamper. Imagine my shock the first time he appeared on my TV screen sans moustache. I did a double take when I looked at the tube to yell. And another. I looked for current pics of him, they're rare, one is at Wonkette, a C-SPAN screen shot. And his website has updated his mug shot.
Phil Gingrey R-GA

This is how Gingrey looked until February.
Gingrey C-SPAN

Gingrey shaved off his mustache during the weekend of Feb. 10. "He made a promise to himself that he was going to shave it at the first sign of gray," said Gingrey spokeswoman Becky Ruby. "He saw gray and the mustache came off. He didn’t tell anyone he was going to do it, except he got approval from his wife."

After the shave, a district aide sent Ruby some event photographs. "I called the aide up to say, 'Why didn’t you get Phil in the photograph?' He was right in front of my eyes, just sans mustache."

Ruby says the ’stache won’t likely return "considering how many people have told him how much younger he looks without it."

Ahhh, so.
gingrey fear

Arrrgghhh! A nightmare, hirsute or not.
Gingrey Clean shaven

It was as huge a change as if Bolton had shaved his off.

And the trend continues. Chertoff shaved off his scraggly poor substitute for a beard and moustache too. What's the deal, Republicans? Hair today, gone tomorrow.
In Chertoff's case, nothing helps, not even a Bolton 'stache.
Chertoff Shaved

Not as much of a non sequitur as it seems: Butt Facials


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Poodle's in D.C.

For a sleepover with George.
Bush Kisses
Blair, who announced last week that he will step down June 27, typically has stayed at the British ambassador's residence on Washington visits but got a special White House invitation.

"The president extended an invitation for Prime Minister Blair to stay the night at the White House and he accepted," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.

It was love at first sight.
Bushy Poodle

They sold their war with LIES.
That Went Well

Their precious "Legacy" in the history books?
Death and destruction.
Bastards Smiling

They BOTH belong on trial as war criminals.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Demolition Dick

How come Dick Cheney and Karl Rove are never seen together?

Laughing Thugs

Rover and Dicky

Cheney arrived in Baghdad on the same day a USA Today/Gallup poll showed six out of 10 Americans support setting a timetable for pulling U.S. troops out.

Just an ineffectual focus group to Dick. 60% of the population to be watched more carefully lest we think we have a voice. He visited his oil pals overseas in November. It's irresponsible for a man in such poor health to continue flying. His doctors must be nervous.

Call 911

Cheney's Remarks

With two carrier strike groups in the Gulf, we're sending clear messages to friends and adversaries alike. We'll keep the sea lanes open. We'll stand with our friends in opposing extremism and strategic threats. We'll disrupt attacks on our own forces. We'll continue bringing relief to those who suffer, and delivering justice to the enemies of freedom. And we'll stand with others to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and dominating this region. These are important duties, and they must all be done at the same time.

Lucky Iraq, Cheney visited, unannounced. He personally delivered the horse head to Maliki:Contain Iraq until Dick says so. He sold his bill of bullshit at PR photo ops, using more of our military as props. The NY Times makes him look godlike. Are our troops buying his lies anymore?
Push Up Contest

Camp Speicher is an airfield (Al Sahra Airfield )in northern Iraq, near Tikrit. Iraq Facilities

Iraq Cheney
Army Sgt. Juan Alberto Batista-Irizarry of the 82nd Airborne from Fort Bragg, N.C., competes in a push-up contest at a troop rally attended by Vice President Dick Cheney, not shown, at Camp Speicher in Iraq, Thursday May 10, 2007. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

His real business was then conducted: Oil, contracts. Deals with Saudis. Halliburton HQ is now in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Dick is raking in as much dough as possible right off the top. Dick Cheney is a traitor to the United States. He does NOT have American interests at heart, only his own and those of his oil buddies both here and overseas.
Cheney Middle East

BAGHDAD-Dick Cheney said that Iraq remains a dangerous place, a point underscored by a thunderous explosion that rattled windows in the U.S. embassy where he spent most of the day.
"We talked about the challenges that we are facing in our own political process," Maliki told a joint news conference. Cheney said Washington would continue to support Maliki. "Obviously we talked about the way ahead in terms of our mutual efforts to help build an Iraq that is safe and secure, is self-governing and free of the threats of the insurgency and al Qaeda," he told reporters.

Two years ago Cheney said, "I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency."

Dick and Abdullah

Dick gave an "interview" to Fox Gnus in Jordan, he's "satisfied" with his trip.
"I don't want to predict" the outcome, Cheney said.

The vice president said he did not want to say exactly what leaders in the region told him during their private meetings. "I apologize in advance for the fact that I won't talk about my conversations with the folks I visited with. That's why they talk to me," he said.


Dick's Arabian Success
Cheney's trip a "success"


"There are brighter days ahead"

Brighter Days Ahead

“My mission today is to lift people's spirits the best that I can, to hopefully touch somebody's soul,” the president said during a statement to the press pool after speaking to a gathering of victims in the heart of the town's residential area. “I want to let them know that even though there was a dark day in the past, there are brighter days ahead.”

The "compassionate conservative" solution is to pray for help. Don't ask the government for money because they've already spent or stolen it. On war. War is lucrative. Iran is still on the table while we're stuck in Iraq.

George Visits Virginia for the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestowne.
Chimp at Jamestowne

Bush visits Jamestown

Bush on his Iraq War:"I will not withdraw even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me. And some talk of "compromise" with the neocons and their little dictator? Impossible. They don't believe in such weakness. It's crush or be crushed. From blowing up frogs to blowing up anyone in his way.

Laura and Barney Support Bush

Chimpy said, "Nah she didn't say anything" when he mangled his speech.
Not true. Another lie.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

QE II and Dubya

The haves and the have-mores.
Royalty Milling About
Dubya Welcomes the Queen
The American people are proud to welcome Your Majesty back to the United States, a nation you've come to know very well. After all, you've dined with ten U.S. Presidents. You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 -- in 1976. (Laughter.) She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child. (Laughter.)

And we all know the motherly looks Bar has tossed his way. Muddles his dates per Guardian Unlimited.
Three evil voyeurs.
Voyeurs of Bush Royal Visit

Oh Dear_Gaffe or Joke
She LIKES him. She "teased" him over his "gaffe".
"Mr President I wondered whether I should start this toast saying I was here in 1776 but I don't think I will."

Nearer Wink

The pResident bumbled along

Bush focused his formal remarks on how the United States and Britain, allies in Iraq and Afghanistan, were standing together in the fight against terrorism. In just four minutes, he mentioned "freedom" and "liberty" seven times and he told the queen: "Your majesty, I appreciate your leadership during these times of danger and decision.

Lizzie's kids look like philanthropic Einsteins by comparison.
Charles Is Better

Guest List
Bush Royal Visit

She really, really likes him.

They're on the same wavelength.
Same Wavelength
What's this? Erica Kane over Prince Philip's right shoulder?
Kentucky Derby; Susan Lucci must know somebody. Or ABC does.
Erica Kane Meets QE2

Time out for Kansas.
Ask the good lord
Concern for Kansas Tornado Victims.
"I'm confident this community will be rebuilt. To the extent we can help, we will," the president said, in brief remarks after attending church services Sunday.

"The most important thing now is for our citizens to ask for the good Lord to comfort those who hurt," he said.

Bush Commemorates National Prayer Day
Notes from his welcome in WH.
Bush notes
