Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Excuse me
But this was an important diversion from the, ya know. REAL rock and roll. America can't handle it...just like they can't handle anything but sports scores and stats. Merkins deserve the horrific government they get.
Oh no, wait, let's totally break our hearts.....
Damn! That's a good song. Hits all the notes.
And to finish it off...
Oh, yes, this country and its population have been sold a large bill of goods, yet music...troubadours, will always find a way to tell it.
Oh no, wait, let's totally break our hearts.....
Damn! That's a good song. Hits all the notes.
And to finish it off...
Oh, yes, this country and its population have been sold a large bill of goods, yet music...troubadours, will always find a way to tell it.
Today was such a disappointment
John Edwards bowed out. We don't know why.
Could it have been the Kennedy juggernaut for Obama? Could it have been something worse, something to do with Elizabeth's cancer? I sure as hell hope it's not the latter.
John Edwards had inspired me. Has inspired me, ala Gore. I'd been paying close attention to John once I realized my "true love" man, Al Gore, wasn't going to enter the fray. Edwards is real. Gore is real. Jesus, what if they had enough delegates in August to pull out a draft Gore/Edwards movement...something so totally wonderful it could never happen.

I'm still filling out those family ballots over which I have such sway...still Edwards for president. Delegates, baby, delegates. I did it for Dean too. It bore no fruit that time but John Edwards has the union/labor vote sewn up if they just hear his message. There could be a Boomer Revolution at the Convention. In my dreams. Always in my dreams.
There are initiatives I have to study too.
Indian gaming and Ahnuld chicanery, among other things.
And astonishingly (NOT) Mukasey stood up for administration torture.
"We may not maim, we may not rape." Mukasey, AG of the US.
September of 2006, John McCain agreed, we don't really torture.

We got a good warning in December of 2007.

Just warming up....
Yeah, yeah, no matter what's served up.
I'll vote pro-union and pro-labor, pro the REAL person paying taxes.
I'm an old time REAL Democrat. We believe in EVERYONE benefiting.
Aren't we allowed a couple of days to grieve the loss of the one we saw as the best candidate for the job.
Could it have been the Kennedy juggernaut for Obama? Could it have been something worse, something to do with Elizabeth's cancer? I sure as hell hope it's not the latter.
John Edwards had inspired me. Has inspired me, ala Gore. I'd been paying close attention to John once I realized my "true love" man, Al Gore, wasn't going to enter the fray. Edwards is real. Gore is real. Jesus, what if they had enough delegates in August to pull out a draft Gore/Edwards movement...something so totally wonderful it could never happen.

I'm still filling out those family ballots over which I have such sway...still Edwards for president. Delegates, baby, delegates. I did it for Dean too. It bore no fruit that time but John Edwards has the union/labor vote sewn up if they just hear his message. There could be a Boomer Revolution at the Convention. In my dreams. Always in my dreams.
There are initiatives I have to study too.
Indian gaming and Ahnuld chicanery, among other things.
And astonishingly (NOT) Mukasey stood up for administration torture.
"We may not maim, we may not rape." Mukasey, AG of the US.
September of 2006, John McCain agreed, we don't really torture.

We got a good warning in December of 2007.

Just warming up....
Yeah, yeah, no matter what's served up.
I'll vote pro-union and pro-labor, pro the REAL person paying taxes.
I'm an old time REAL Democrat. We believe in EVERYONE benefiting.
Aren't we allowed a couple of days to grieve the loss of the one we saw as the best candidate for the job.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Edwards Won the Debate

Democratic Debate Transcript, Part 1
Democratic Debate Transcript, Part 2
Democratic Debate Transcript, Part 3
John Edwards was the CLEAR winner of tonight's Democratic debate on CNN mitt ze Wolfen Blitzen. Hillary and Barack attacked each other, John stood his ground...for the poor people of America. He's for real.

pdf file-letter
MLK III to Edwards: "Keep Fighting. My Father Would Be Proud."

Hilarious short video...really good. VISTA SUCKS
From Blimp TV
A sink hole of fun.

What it takes....They like EDWARDS.
IF you're fucking brave enough to click on....Or even HALF believe where we've have no idea....Um....yeah.LISTEN UP!!!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
MSM Dismissal of Edwards Contd.

Corporate-owned American media fears John Edwards. Obama and Clinton get all the coverage. It's so obvious and so bloody unfair it's mind boggling. Many months ago the shiny talking heads were ordered to ignore Edwards, badmouth his record, minimize his electability and shun his candidacy. Why, he just can't win, they say, despite polls proving he's the ONLY Democrat who can beat EVERY Republican candidate.

I'm sick of it. The glee with which the MSM (in particular Matthews) has shrilly made our choices is a death knoll to fair elections. This country is too stupid to rise up and ask for a voice, no, they take it in the ass again. We'll have a corporatist in the White House no matter what. Better a Democrat than a Republican but not by very much with these "chosen" candidates being shoved down our throats. Thanks MSM...Goebbels would be proud.
If South Carolina turns its back on John Edwards due to the "inevitability of loss" lies they hear from the MSM we're just fucked. And chance of real change will be stopped dead in its tracks. MSNBC and CNN have systematically attempted to destroy John Edwards. They're traitors to whores who love money more than their country or Constitution have told Americans how to think. And it worked.

Romney, most likely to "win" the GOP nomination has the money to get himself elected. He's been my guess all's the hair and teeth. The Mormonism can be overlooked by Evangelicals so long as he mentions faith and other religious buzzwords. It will be another close race subject to fraud and theft. Yes, we can look forward to the Taliban Supreme Court for decades to come. Romney vs. Clinton. What a gruesome thought but that's how I think the corporations want it...and so be it. Obama doesn't even know he's being used.

I'm still voting for MY choice, John Edwards. Nobody tells me what to think. He's the one who would actually fight for US. But hey, America you're SO good at voting in your own worst interests. Ahaha....CNN even CALLS their returns show, "Ballot Bowl"...hilarious as a heart attack. There's something inherently wrong, unethical, illegal about announcing "winners" before polls have even closed. Turn off the mind-numbing TV sports hypnosis drones and pay attention, consumerist suckers. Lives are at stake.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Carolina, don't let us down
John Edwards is your native son...share him with us, please. We need him.
Then again, my closest and dearest don't give a fuck what I think.
And they don't read my blog. I was told this weekend my blog is irrelevant. Ouch. Okay.

But...I gotta say what I think.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Is there ANY hope?
I'm being lied to day after day by those shitbags who call themselves the media. I hate all their fucking guts.
Made me depressed. I see no way out.
The MSM ignores Edwards...they continue to fuck with us.
Sicka bein' lied to. Day in and day out.
Can't understand how fucking stupid Americans are.
They'd rather watch sports and drive the biggest fucking truck they can afford to make payments on than look at what's real. I hate them all.
Being a canary in the mineshaft has gotten old.
But I'm not dead yet.
Unlike Richard Manuel.
RIP. Love The Band. Always have.
I'm yelling down a hollow tunnel and nobody's listening.
Irony lives on.
For Biff. A REAL tearjerker.
We carry on.
Made me depressed. I see no way out.
The MSM ignores Edwards...they continue to fuck with us.
Sicka bein' lied to. Day in and day out.
Can't understand how fucking stupid Americans are.
They'd rather watch sports and drive the biggest fucking truck they can afford to make payments on than look at what's real. I hate them all.
Being a canary in the mineshaft has gotten old.
But I'm not dead yet.
Unlike Richard Manuel.
RIP. Love The Band. Always have.
I'm yelling down a hollow tunnel and nobody's listening.
Irony lives on.
For Biff. A REAL tearjerker.
We carry on.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
New Hampshire! You're UP!

Let's see some common sense from the pragmatic people of New Hampshire. You know how the economy is going, you know how the Republican agenda is proceeding, hopefully you also know John Edwards is the only Democratic candidate who can beat all of the Republican candidates.

Per Screamer Matthews it's still a race between Hillary and Obama. What is it that the media fears about John Edwards....hmmmmmmm?

Don't buy the bull and spin.
John Edwards, CAN WIN!

Iowa! Please! It's Edwards!

I hate that our fate is in your hands Iowa. I hate that you get to decide for me. I hate that my voice isn't heard, again. In 2004, you ruled out my first choice. It's not the first time you've ruled out my first choice. I haven't forgiven you yet.

You can make up for ALL of it by caucusing tonight...SHOW UP...and backing John Edwards for our next president of the United States. We need somebody who will fight for US instead of the corporations. John Edwards will fight for us. Don't let me down again, Iowa! Please. Democrats! Get out there no matter how cold the MSM keeps telling us it is! Put on a jacket...get going! And to those Edwards supporters in Iowa doing the canvassing, making the phone calls, doing the work in the trenches, KUDOS, my hat's off to all of you. Thank you.

No offense meant to you personally Iowans, but what if we Californians decided for YOU who your next president might be and your choice was eliminated by US? How would YOU like it? I didn't like your choice in 2004. And look at what happened. Make up for it now. John Edwards!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy New Year! Please!
One more year to endure the thugs who have robbed us blind. One more year in which they can continue raping and pillaging, shredding the constitution, destroying our country, limiting our freedoms. Unless they have yet more terror planned for us before November, a Democrat might get into the White House again but it will take decades to undo the harm they've done to the United States of America.

Another year....and no Osama?
Where IS he?
In the bunker with Dick?

And they'll get away with it all...

Another year....and no Osama?
Where IS he?
In the bunker with Dick?

And they'll get away with it all...
